Women’s College of Social Work of the Swabian Women’s Association
The Women’s College of Social Work of the Swabian Women’s Association (Soziale Frauenschule des Schw?bischen Frauenvereins) opens in 1917. Unlike the former College of Mechanical Engineering, its roots lie in Stuttgart, and not in Esslingen. The inauguration takes place on 15 September 1917. It is set up after Her Majesty Queen Charlotte establishes a foundation in the amount of 10,000 marks. Generous donations mean the original capital can be increased further to 25,000 marks.
Both the Women’s College and the College of Mechanical Engineering are founded during the First World War.
The college initially provides two years of training which pursues the following principles: the theoretical training is to be generally based on the social sciences, the enrolment age not below 20 and not over 35, and to fulfil the admission requirements, applicants must have completed their training in education, nursing or home economics or have taken an introductory class. The training takes the form of seminars and practical work. The new training facility is granted state recognition on 10 January 1918.
In 1923, the Women’s College of Social Work is recognised as a college of welfare for three areas: health care, youth welfare and economic welfare. Students can train to become a “welfare nurse”. In 1927, the admission of “male welfare nurses” is discussed in-house and rejected.