it Small and Medium-sized Enterprisies Day

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it Small and Medium-sized Enterprisies Recruting Event

The it Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Recruting Event (it SMEs Day) of the Department of Information Technology takes place annually, every Wednesday, in the last week of November. It is organized by Wirtschaftsf?rderung Region Stuttgart GmbH in cooperation with Softwarezentrum B?blingen-Sindelfingen e.V. and the Department of Information Technology of Esslingen University.

The next it SMEs Day will be held on Wednesday, 15. November 2023

About 50 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from the IT sector from metropolitan area Stuttgart will once again have the opportunity to visit the Department of Information Technology at the Esslingen University of Applied Sciences on the Flandernstra?e campus during the it SMC Day in 2023.

Philosophy of it SMEs Day

The philosophy of it SMEs Day is to bring together SMEs and IT students. This enterprises contact fair should therefore offer SMEs and students a platform to get to know each other. The major key players, who are already well known to all students, are not admitted to this companies contact fair.

Early bonding between companies and IT students is important

Enterprises have the opportunity to present themselves at their exhibition stand, provide information about their company portfolio and get in touch with approximately 500 Bachelor and Master students of the Department of Information Technology within a very short time. The students themselves have a very great interest in interesting internships, final theses and are looking for their individual path for an ideal career start. Through an interesting offer of internships and theses, companies can establish close contact with well qualified IT students.

IT graduates are very much in demand

The long-standingly strong demand in all industrial sectors for well qualified computer scientists and information technicians provides all students with an IT graduation best prerequisites for starting a good career. As a rule, IT students who are currently writing their final thesis have already received and checked several job offers. They are therefore no longer available to all other companies. SMEs must therefore build up a bond with potential applicants at an very early stage. This is the only way for SMEs to continuously cover their future computer science engineers. The it SMEs Day of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering is to make its contribution to this task.


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