LebenBegleiten (SILQA-FH 2016)

Development of theory-based practical guidelines to support quality-of-life palliative care in geriatric nursing.
Research directors at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences:
Prof. Dr. M.Sc. Annette Riedel
Prof. M.A. Sonja Lehmeyer
Research assistants
Anne-Christin Linde (B.A. Pflegep?dagogik; M.A. Pflegewissenschaft)
Nadine Treff (B.A. Pflege/Pflegemanagement; M.A. Pflegewissenschaft)
Duration: 01.01.2017–31.12.2019
Funding institution: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
Funding programme: Programm Soziale Innovationen für Lebensqualit?t im Alter SILQUA-FH im Rahmen des Programms ?Forschung an Fachhochschulen“
Research focus: Gesellschaft im Wandel (2014) (A changing society)
Collaboration partners:
- Evangelische Heimstiftung GmbH, Stuttgart
- Hospiz St. Martin, Stuttgart
Brief description:
The “LebenBegleiten" project (SILQA-FH 2016) makes a contribution to improving palliative care in residential geriatric care in accordance with the new Act to Improve Hospice and Palliative Care (HPG).
The key element is the empirical development of practical guidelines to support quality-of-life palliative care. Carers, residents of the collaborating care facilities, their family and relatives as well as selected experts are actively involved in developing, agreeing to and implementing the guidelines.
A further goal is to support the introduction of the ACP (Advance Care Planning) concept in accordance with the HPG. A transfer concept which is independent of the care facility and the funding provider will allow the results of the research project to be transferred to practical geriatric care.
Further information on the project:
Riedel, A./Lehmeyer, S./Linde, A./Treff, N. (2017): Theoriebasierte Praxisleitlinie für palliative Care Begleitun in der Altenhilfe. In: Spektrum 44/217, S. 35-36.
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