Planning and Organisation First questions and research

Corporations here and abroad look for a wide range of qualifications in their employees. In addition to a high professional qualification, they look for social and intercultural competence, a knowledge of foreign languages and the readiness for work abroad. In the B.Sc. in International Industrial Management (TBB) , a semester abroad is part of the curriculum: we recommend it, however, for all other students in the Faculty of Management and Technology as well. A semester abroad can be a wonderful opportunity to gain experience, meet new people, and find out about new cultures and languages.
There are various ways to integrate a semester abroad into your studies:
- Semester abroad at a partner university
- Semester abroad as a ?Free Mover“ at another university
- Practise semester abroad
- Final thesis abroad
- Participation in a summer school
The Faculty will help you with all of these questions, and at every point in your planning and travel. Your first stop should be at the International Center, where you can get a lot of tips and suggestions. In our faculty, you can turn to the International Exchange Coordinator, or for concrete questions about course planning, please contact:
Christiane H?ger-Riedel (for Industrial Management)
Monika Buchinger (for Engineering Management)
Georg Schmidt (for Mechatronics)
Getting ready for a semester abroad involves a great deal of planning. The following questions should be cleared at an early stage:
- Which country would come into question for your semester abroad? ? Have a look at the MoveON database and read the peer reports be other students.
- Can you speak the language? If not, are there language courses in your host country or here? In which language are your courses taught? ? Have a look at the Language Classes at the HE.
- Which courses are given by your host university? Which courses are mandatory? Which can receive transfer credits in Esslingen?
- How are you going to finance your semester abroad and how high are the costs? ? The International Center can help you answer these questions.
- Are there any scholarships or other financial help, such as the "Auslands-BAf?G"? ? Please have a look at the website of the International Center.
- If you would like to spend more than one semester abroad, and complete a double degree ? Have a look at the Double Degree page or at the website of the International Center
Rules for the recognition of semesters abroad in the B.Sc. in International Industrial Management (TBB)
Students of the B.Sc. in International Industrial Management (TBB) spend one mandatory semester abroad. This can be a theoretical or a practical semester, and the stay has to be a minimum of 3 months (90 days). A theoretical semester has to take place at a recognised foreign university. Proof of your semester abroad (proof of registration, transcripts, in the case of a practical semester a copy of the employer reference letter, or similar), including your name and student ID number, must be submitted to the Academic Director,Frau Lilia Schwarz. An official translation of this document may be necessary.
The achievement of the semester abroad should be registered in the LSF in the following semester, and at the latest in the student's last semester, (not in the semester in which the student is abroad). After a positive examination of the the documentation, the semester abroad is noted as "passed". It is possible for a semester abroad that took place before the studies began to be recognised.
Your contact people for recognition of time abroad:
- Recognition of a semester abroad(practical or theoretical): Acadmic Director
- Recognition of a practical semester (in Germany or abroad): Internship Coordinator
- Recognition of examinations taken at foreign universities: International Coordinator
To ensure that your stay abroad is successful, please begin early with planning and preparations. Have a lot of fun! We are happy to help!
Futher topics of interest to our outgoing exchange students:
Organisation of the exchange semester
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