Good reasons to write your final thesis at the IAM!
- You receive individual and personal supervision according to your needs from the technical project manager.
- You and your supervisor will define the key aspects of your final project, which will be in line with your strengths.
- As you work on your final project, our staff will support and guide you through the whole formal procedure.
- Our research projects have an impact on daily life in many cities. Thus, you get to know research for the real life!
- If your final thesis is very good, you will have the opportunity to co-author a publication. This enhances your reputation and looks good on your CV.
- For your work at the Institute, you will be employed as a research assistant, if possible, and be paid for your work accordingly.
Follow this link for more information about our current research projects, News and our central projekt "ameise"!
If you are interessted, contact us!