Excerpts from the basic experiments in physics

Stirling engine
Anticlockwise cycle
- Investigation of the Stirling engine as a refrigerator, powered by electric motor on right
- Investigation of the Stirling engine as a heat pump, powered by electric motor on left
Clockwise cycle
- Investigation of the Stirling engine as a heat engine
- Measurement of the efficiency
Gravitational torsion balance
Determination of the gravitational constant G
- Acceleration method
- End-deflection method
Optics - Foundations
Determination of focal length
- Thin lens with Newtonian image equation
- Thick lens with the aid of the Bessel method
Wind tunnel
Measurement of the flow velocity with the Prandtl tube
Bernoulli’s equation
The sum of the static pressure, the geodetic pressure and the dynamic pressure is constant.
Measurement of the drag and lift of a wing
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