Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) ?Materials Technology and Processes¡°

We are glad to offer the faculty-led Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) ?Materials Technology and Processes¡° to our partner universities. The BIP includes both a physical activity and a virtual period.

The goal of the programme is that students should become more familiar with topics related to Materials Technology and Processes.

What should the BIP foster

  • development of transnational and transdisciplinary curricula
  • innovative ways of learning and teaching
  • online collaboration
  • research-based learning

BIPs provide an opportunity to reach out to new groups of students, for example those in study fields where mobility opportunities have been limited or those who lack confidence to go abroad alone.

Blended Intensive Programme (BIP)

Facts and figures

Dates of the physical period

21st October - 26th October 2024

Arrival: 20th October 2024
Departure: 27th October 2024

Dates of the virtual period before the mobility

16th September 2024 - 16th October 2024 (20 days)

Academic Content

The goal of the programme is that students should become more familiar with topics related to Materials Technology and Processes.

  • Tensile measurements
  • Hardness measurements
  • Preparation of metallographic microsections
  • Fatigue tests
  • Sheet metal forming
  • FEM Simulation sheet metal forming
  • Laser cutting
  • Soft skills (e.g. time management, networking)

How many students from each university can participate

3 students per partner institution (+2 students for the waiting list)
Students must be accompanied by at least one academic advisor.


Esslingen (next airport Stuttgart is 30 minutes away by bus)


The BIP will be held in English.

Fee for students receiving Erasmus scholarship
210 € (including contribution to accommodation)

The fee also includes:
Public transport ticket
Daily lunch
Swabian dinner
Company visits
Mercedes museum
Social activities


The sending partner universities from EU countries have to use Erasmus KA131 to cover travel costs and living expenses of their participants.
The cultural porgramme, excursions and lunch breaks are free of charge.

How many ECTS will be awarded

3  Credits

What is the Workload for the students

90 hours (50 hours blended + 40 hours physical)

Online Learning agreement

Each student has to complete an Online Learning Agreement (OLA). You can find out what data you have to enter from your coordinator at your home university.

Transcript of Records

The Transcript of Records (TOR) will be will be handed out on the last day of the physical period.

Participating Universities
  • Atlantic Technological University (Ireland) - confirmed
  • Hellenic Mediterranean University (Greece) - confirmed
  • Karelia University (Finland)
  • Karlstad University (Sweden) - confirmed
  • Polytechnic of Lisbon (Portugal) - confirmed
  • Stellenbosch University (South Africa) - confirmed
  • University of Cyprus (Cyprus) - confirmed
  • University of Malaga (Spain) - confirmed
  • University of Porto (Portugal) - confirmed

Blended Period

Preperation Blended Period 16.09.2024 - 16.10.2024 (30 Days- Workload 50 hours)

Students are provided with documents and lectures via a learning portal for self-study, especially for the practical activities at Esslingen University. In addition, lectures by guest professors are offered.

Participation in the virtual events and lectures is compulsory.

Title Lecturerer When Where
Introduction to Moodle
Introduction to Esslingen University, Questions and Answers
Diana Budde
Zeynep Kara

07:00 pm (UTC+01:00 - summer time: UTC+02:00) Berlin, Amsterdam, Stockholm
?Fatigue Crack Growth in Metallic Materials¡° Daniel Camas
University of M¨¢laga (Spain)
07:00 pm (during summer time: UTC+02:00) Berlin, Amsterdam, Stockholm
"Testing of materials, either metallic and polymeric and their idiosyncrasies in testing, specially in Fracture Toughness and three point bending" Afonso Leite
Polit¨¦cnico de Lisboa (Portugal)
07:00 pm (during summer time: UTC+02:00) Berlin, Amsterdam, Stockholm
"The tensile test for materials mechanical characterization" Alexandra Rodrigues

Polit¨¦cnico de Lisboa (Portugal)

07:00 pm (during summer time: UTC+02:00) Berlin, Amsterdam, Stockholm
¡°Very high cycle fatigue of metals: Testing at 20 kHz¡± Anton Tkachuk
Karlstad University (Sweden)
07:00 pm (during summer time: UTC+02:00) Berlin, Amsterdam, Stockholm


Programme in Esslingen

Welcome  Meeting on 20. October 2024

Beer, beverages and snacks

When: from 06:00 pm - 08:00 pm
Where: International Office, Kanalstr. 12, Building 17, 73728 Esslingen

21. October 2024
When Where What
07:00 am - 08:00 am International Office, Building 17 Morning Coffee and Snack
08:00 am - 09:15 am Building 10, Room S 10.107 Lecture "Fatigue of Metals"
Lecturer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Greuling
09:30 am - 11:00 am Building 10, Room S 10.107 Lecture ?Metallography of Additive Manufactured Steel¡±
Lecturer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lukas L?ber
11:15 am - 12:45 pm Building 10, Room S 10.107 Lecture ¡°Sheet Metal Forming¡±
Lecturer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Wagner

01:00 pm - 02:00 pm

University Cafeteria Lunch
02:15 pm - 04:00 pm Meeting point: International Office Group Photo
Erasmus+ Coffee Break (Please bring pastries from your home country and information material about your university.)
04:15 pm - 07:00 pm Meeting point: International Office, walk to the Esslingen Castle Swabian Buffet Dinner with typical regional food

22. October 2024
When Where What
08:30 am - 12:30 pm Meeting point: International Office Visit Porsche Museum - Group 2 (direct transfer to Trumpf)
08:30 am - 10:00 am City Center Campus Lab Work in teams
10:15 am - 11:45 am City Center Campus Lab Work in teams
12:00 pm - 05:00 pm Stuttgart, Meeting point: International Office Trumpf Company Visit

23. October 2024
When Where What
08:30 am - 12:30 pm Meeting point: International Office Visit Porsche Museum - Group 3
08:30 am - 10:00 am City Center Campus Lab Work in teams
10:15 am - 11:45 am City Center Campus Lab Work in teams
11:45 am - 01:00 am Cafeteria Lunch
12:30 pm - 05:00 pm Meeting point: International Office Bosch Company Visit - Group 1 and 2
02:00 am - 03:30 pm Meeting point: International Office Guided City tour - Group 3 and 4

24. October 2024
When Where What
08:30 am - 12:30 pm Meeting point: International Office Visit Porsche Museum - Group 1
08:30 am - 10:00 am City Center Campus Lab Work in teams
10:15 am - 11:45 pm City Center Campus Lab Work in teams
12:30 pm - 05:00 pm Cafeteria Bosch Company Visit - Group 3 and 4
02:00 pm - 03:30 pm Meeting point: International Office Guided city tour - Group 1 and 2

25. October 2024
When Where What
08:30 am - 12:30 pm Meeting point: International Office Visit Porsche Museum - Group 4 (direct transfer to the Mercedes-Benz Museum)
08:30 am - 10:00 am City Center Campus Lab Work in teams
10:15 am - 11:45 pm City Center Campus Lab Work in teams
11:45 pm - 12:45 pm University Cafeteria Lunch
01:00 pm - 05:00 pm Meeting point: International Office

Visit of the Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart

26. October 2024
When Where What
Full day Meeting point: International Office Excursion to the Technik Museum Sinsheim and to Heidelberg (free of charge)


27. October 2023


Lab Groups anD Times

  Tuesday 22.10.
08:30 - 11:45
Wednesday 23.10.
08:30 - 11:45
Thursday 24.10.
08:30 - 11:45
Friday 25.10.
08:30 - 11:45
Group 1 Metallography Fatigue Visit Porsche (8 am) Metal Forming
Group 2 Visit Porsche (8 am) Metal Forming Metallography Fatigue
Group 3 Fatigue Visit Porsche (8am) Metal Forming Metallography
Group 4 Metal Forming Metallography Fatigue Visit Porsche (8 am)



Accommodation for students

We have rented 5 apartments in Esslingen very close to the university. The apartments are very modern and comortable with fast WIFI, bathrooms, kitchen and terrace. Two or three students have to share a bedroom. Of course, we will take gender separation into account. Please follow the link to see the apartments: Of course, students can also book a hotel on their own responsibility but we recommend to take advantage of the offer, because that way they can get to know and network with each other. However, we strongly discourage students from looking for accommodation themselves as this will be very expensive.

How to apply for accomodation

Around mid-May we will ask about the registration of students and in this context they will have to register to a place in the apartment.


Students who receive an Erasmus scholarship must pay a contribution to the accommodation costs over the fee of €210.

Arrival 20.10.24

After your individual transfer from the airport to the apartments by bus or train our student tutors will suppport you with check-in. Check-in is available from 04:00 pm. There is only one key per apartment available, but the key can be deposited in a key box outside the apartment. Each resident will receive the code to open and lock the key box.

Departure 27.10.24

You will have to leave your room by 10:00 am at the latest. Our student tutors will suppport you with check-out.

Accommodation for Teachers

We recomend you to book your room in the Hotel ECOINN in Esslingen very close to the university (right on the Campus City Centre).

Nomination Process


Preliminary nomination by February 28th

The peliminary nomination does not have to contain names. It is sufficient to specify the number of students and the number of teachers you want to send. Please send your nomination to io-shortprograms[at]

Esslingen University will inform you by March 1st at the latest whether your group can take part in the BIP.

Final nomination by April 1st

The final nomination must include the students¡¯ names and email addresses. Please send your nominations to io-shortprograms[at]

As soon as we have received your nomination list, we will inform the students about the application process.


Project Coordinators

Academic Project Coordinator Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Wagner Academic Program
Academic Contact Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Greuling Lectures, Lab Workshops
Academic Contact Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lukas L?ber Lectures, Lab Workshops
Administrative Project Coordinator Zeynep Kara Application of students, Accommodation, OLA, TOR
Coordinator Incoming Staff
Deputy Institutional Erasmus Coordinator
Diana Budde Nominations, Guest Lectures, Teaching Agreements



Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) ¡®Materials Technology and Processes¡¯ successfully held for the third time

Last week, a BIP on the topic of ¡®Materials Technology and Processes¡¯ took place for the third time in the Faculty of Mechanical and Systems Engineering. BIPs are short programmes funded by the European education programme Erasmus+ that offer teachers and students new and creative opportunities for international educational cooperation and participation in jointly designed courses.

This year's participating students came from the partner universities Atlantic Technological University (Sligo, Ireland), Hellenic Mediterranean University (Chania, Crete, Greece), Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (Lisbon, Portugal), Karlstad University (Karlstad, Sweden), Stellenbosch University (Stellenbosch, South Africa), Universidad de M¨¢laga (Malaga, Spain), Universidade do Porto (Porto, Portugal) and University of Cyprus (Nicosia, Cyprus).

The 31 students were offered an extensive programme. The programme started on Sunday evening with a get-together in front of and in the International Office building on the city centre campus. On Monday morning, lectures were held on the topics of ¡®Metal Forming¡¯ (Prof Stefan Wagner), ¡®Metallography¡¯ and ¡®Additive Manufacturing¡¯ (Prof Lukas L?ber and ¡®Fatigue¡¯ (Prof Steffen Greuling). These served to prepare the labs that were on the BIP programme on the following mornings and were actively supported by Simone D?ll-Eberhardinger, Achim Herdtle, Florian Markowski, Udo Merk and Elmar Schuch. The students were divided into four groups for the labs, with three groups working in the labs and one group visiting the Porsche Museum.

In addition to the technical content at the university, the students and the accompanying supervisors were also offered an extensive supporting programme. Trumpf and Bosch, for example, were very attractive companies to visit. There was also a ¡®Swabian Dinner¡¯ at Esslingen Castle, an ¡®International Coffee Break¡¯, which was also attended by students and employees of Esslingen University of Applied Sciences, as well as guided tours of Esslingen. The programme concluded on Saturday with a visit to the Museum of Technology in Sinsheim and a tour of Heidelberg.

The active support of the International Office under the leadership of Zeynep Kara, both in the preparation and in the implementation, contributed significantly to the success of the programme. The students and supervisors were full of praise for the excellent organisation and requests were received for the fourth running of the programme next autumn.

The Faculty of Mechanical and Systems Engineering is committed to attracting students to spend a semester at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences. The BIP contributes to the internationalisation of the campus and secures places for Esslingen students at universities abroad.


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