- Static strength test
- Dynamic strength test
- Non-destructive materials testing (ultrasonic measurement, dye penetration and magnetic powder method)
- Metallography
- Experimental stress and strain analysis
- Damage analysis
- Software development for mechanics and theory of strength
- Advice on materials
- Fractography
- Metal analysis
Materials Testing Laboratory (LWF)
Prof. Dr.- Ing. Steffen Greuling
Hochschule Esslingen
Fakult?t Maschinen und Systeme
Labor für Werkstoff- und Festigkeitsprüfung
Kanalstra?e 33
73728 Esslingen am Neckar
Telefon: +49 (0)711-397-3257 / -3253
Mobil: +49 (0)177-59 78 205
Telefax: +49 (0)711-397-3370
weitere Ansprechpartner
Laboringenieur: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Udo Merk
Laborwerkstattmeister: Industriemeister Klaus Bendig
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Simone D?ll-Eberhardinger
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter: B.Sc. Elmar Schuch
Hardness test
Vickers, Rockwell, Brinell hardness test and universal hardness test
Static strength test
Universal test machines testing forces: 50 - 1,000 kN
Torsion test machine Mt(max): 1.6 kNm
Dynamic strength test
Pendulum impact testing machine (instrumented) 2.5 - 300 joule
Resonating pulsators F(max) from ± 6 to ± 100 kN or Mt(max) to ± 35 Nm
Reverse bending and torsion testing machines Mt(max) from ± 15 Nm to ± 500 Nm
Servo-hydraulic and servo-pneumatic testing machines F(max) from ± 6 kN to ± 250 kN or Mt(max) to ± 2,200 Nm.
Test stand for combined axial, torsion and internal pressure load for multi-axis, phase-shifted and various frequent stresses
(axial ± 125 kN, torsion: ± 4,000 Nm)
Metallography / Microscopy
Cutting, grinding, polishing and etching equipment for sample preparation
Stereo and metallurgical microscopes up to 1,000 x magnification as well as REM up to 24,000 x magnification
Heat treatment equipment
Cooling cabinet, circulating air drying oven and ovens from -80°C to 1,260°C
Experimental stress analysis
Static multi-position measuring system and mobile measurement data acquisition system
- Material characterisation
- Material behaviour
- Experimental determination of strain
- Cold forming and recrystallisation
- Hardening of aluminium alloys
- Buckling
- Fatigue behaviour
- Forming characteristics of steel
- Experimental and analytical fatigue strength analysis
- Stress analysis
- Joining technology
- Non-destructive materials testing (NDT)
- Fracture mechanics
- Determination of a stress-number (S-N) curve (Woehler diagram)
The Materials Testing Laboratory collaborates closely with the industry in Baden-Württemberg. The focus is naturally on the investigation of materials and components for the automotive industry, the ancillary industries and mechanical engineering. The know-how of the professors and the testing equipment are available to all interested companies, however. Scientific investigations are conducted as part of Bachelor theses and projects. The tasks focus on the issues listed below.
- Static and dynamic strength investigations on samples and components
- Experimental stress analysis
- Metallographic examination of the grain structure
- Damage investigations and expert opinions
- Advice on the optimisation of components
- Service life investigation of samples and components under oscillating stress
- Estimation of component reliability
- Working out new concepts for service life calculation
Below are some of the projects which have been carried out recently:
- Service life investigations on bearing shells made from sand and permanent mould casting
- Effect of different jointing processes on the service life of body panels
- Effect of residual stresses on the fatigue behaviour of Al components
- Characterisation of multiphase steels
- Characterisation of high-strength cast iron materials
Industrial partners (selection)
Daimler AG
Robert Bosch GmbH
Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG
Festo AG & Co. KG
INDEX-Werke GmbH & Co. KG, Hahn und Tessky, Esslingen
Alfred K?rcher GmbH & Co. KG, Winnenden
Ebersp?cher Climate Control Systems GmbH & Co. KG, Esslingen
Ebersp?cher Hochdruck Hydraulik GmbH, Nabern
Baier Consulting,Nürtingen
Mercedes AMG GmbH, Affalterbach
Rücker GmbH, Sindelfingen
Elektror Karl W. Müller GmbH & Co.,Esslingen
JW Froehlich Maschinenfabrik GmbH, Plochingen
Elekromotoren Faurndau GmbH, G?ppingen-Faurndau
C. Haushahn GmbH & Co., Stuttgart
HWA GmbH, Affalterbach
Honsel Guss GmbH, Nürnberg
Hydraulik Ring GmbH, Nürtingen
CompAir Mahle, Fellbach
Maschinenfabrik Spaichingen GmbH, Spaichingen
NOE Schaltechnik GmbH & Co., Süssen
Putzmeister AG, Aichtal
RUD Ketten Rieger & Dietz GmbH & Co. KG, Aalen
Andreas Stihl AG & Co. KG, Waiblingen
Micomed Ortho GmbH & Co. KG, G?ppingen
Schweizer GmbH Pr?zidions-Motorenteile, Ostfildern
Technokon GmbH, Rechberghausen
Thyssen Aufzüge GmbH, Stuttgart
Trautwein Engineering, Esslingen
URACA Pumpenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG, Bad Urach
Gustav Wahler GmbH & Co. KG, Esslingen
ArcelorMittal Germany Holding GmbH
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