


  • Bertele, F.; Ammann, U.; Cheshire, C.; R?ser, T. (2020): Compensation of Torque Deviation Caused by Magnet Temperature Variation for a Flux Based IPMSM Core Control. In: PCIM Europe digital days 2020, Berlin: VDE Verlag, ISBN 978-3-8007-5245-4
  • Bertele, F.; Ammann, U.; Cheshire, C.; R?ser, T. (2020): Enhanced Flux Control Including a Closed Loop Voltage Controller to Optimize the Voltage Usage and the Torque Computation for a 48V IPMSM. In: 2020 22nd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'20 ECCE Europe), Lyon: IEEE, ISBN 978-9-0758-1536-8, DOI
  • Danting, C.; Lerch, J.; Stetter, D.; Neuburger, M.; W?rner, R. (2020): Application and machine learning methods for dynamic load point controls of electric vehicles (xEVs). In: E3S Web of Conferences, 191, Les Ulis: EDP Sciences, DOI
  • Eckhardt, P.; Henne, P.; Czarnetzki, W.; W?rner, R. (2020): Simulation and energy management of a fuel cell hybrid heavy-duty truck. In: 33rd World Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exposition (EVS33), Portland, Oregon, June 14 - 17 Zenodo, DOI
  • Fournier, G.; Boos, A.; W?rner, R.; Jaroudi, I.; Morozova, I.; Horschutz Nemoto, E. (2020): Substituting individual mobility by mobility on demand using autonomous vehicles. A sustainable assessment simulation of Berlin and Stuttgart.  In: International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, 20 (4), Milton Keynes: Inderscience Enterprises Ltd., DOI
  • Kalra, G.; Thrimawithana, D.; Riar, B.; Huang, C.; Neuburger, M. (2020): A Novel Boost Active Bridge-Based Inductive Power Transfer System. In: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 67 (2), New York: IEEE, DOI
  • Piriienko, S.; Wang, W.; Neuburger, M.; Thrimawithana, D.; Balakhontsev, A. (2020): Nacelle-to-Tower Multilevel IPT System for Small-Scale Wind Turbines. In: IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, New York: IEEE, DOI
  • Schneider, D.;  Langenbucher, L.; W?rner R. (2020): Analysis and prediction of electromobility and energy supply by the example of Stuttgart, EVS33 - Portland, Electric Drive Transportation Association, 2020, Zenodo, DOI
  • Simolka, M.; Heger, J.; Kaess, H.; Biswas, I.; Friedrich, K. (2020): Influence of cycling profile, depth of discharge and temperature on commercial LFP/C cell ageing: post‑mortem material analysis of structure, morphology and chemical composition. In: Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 50 (9), Cham: Springer, DOI
  • Simolka, M.; Heger, J.; Traub, N.; Kaess, H.; Friedrich, K. (2020): Influence of Cycling Profile, Depth of Discharge and Temperature on Commercial LFP/C Cell Ageing: Cell Level Analysis with ICA, DVA and OCV Measurements. In: Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 167, Bristol: IOP Publishing, DOI
  • Simolka, M.; Kaess, H.; Friedrich, K. (2020): Comparison of fresh and aged lithium iron phosphate cathodes using a tailored electrochemical strain microscopy technique. In: Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 11, Frankfurt am Main: Beilstein-Institut zur F?rderung der Chemischen Wissenschaften, DOI
  • V?lil?, K.; Laing-Nepustil, D.; Nepustil, U. (2020): Power-to-Heat. Wo k?nnte es hingehen?.  In: Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft, 44 (4), Wiesbaden: Springer, DOI
  • Vo?hans, M.; Hu, D.; Tan, M.; Heisig, T.; Schneider, S.; Hedderich, D.; Kowalski, M.; Kreimeier, M.; Lücken, V.; W?rner, R. (2020): Requirements for battery electric and automated passenger transport with focus on environment detection from vehicle and infrastructure perspectives. In: 33rd World Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exposition (EVS33) Portland, Oregon, June 14 - 17 Zenodo, DOI


  • Mobilit?tskonzept der Hochschule Esslingen, 09/2019, Moroza, Inna; Hu, Di; Scheffler, Gabriele; Reichs?llner, Emanuel
  • Kalra, G. R.; Thrimawithana, D. J.; Riar, B.; Huang, C. Y.; Neuburger, M. (2019): A Novel Boost Active Bridge based Inductive Power Transfer System, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 67, no. 2, Feb. 2020, S. 1–10.
    Thomson Reuters Master Journal List, No. 3915
  • W?rner, R.; Blesl, M.; Jochem, J.; Kagerbauer, M. (2019): Prediction on future electric vehicle market shares in urban areas and related consequences for energy delivery & grid stability – investigation of Stuttgart, EVS32 Symposium, Lyon, France
  • W?rner, R.; Langenbucher, L.; Brodecki, L.; Wiesmeth, M.; Klugius, I.; Hüppelsh?user, H.; Blesl, M. (2019): Sustainable concept and economic evaluation of a solar-powered hydrogen generation unit, In: Advanced Materials Letters,11/2019. DOI:
  • W?rner, R.; T?zün, R.; Allmendinger, A. (2019): Business potential and impact of the ISO 15118 standard, EVS32 Symposium, Lyon, France
  • Fournier, G.; Kathe, T.; Horschutz Nemoto, E.; Pfeiffer, C.; W?rner, R.; Morozova, I.; Boos, A. (2019): Substituting individual Mobility by mobility on demand with autonomous vehicles – sustainable assessment simulation of Berlin and Stuttgart, International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management (IJATM), Springer Verlag
  • Bertele, F.; Ammann, U.; Cheshire, C.; Neuburger, M.; Piriienko, S.; Roeser, T. (2019): Interpretation of Measured IPMSM Flux Tables for Parameter Identification; 2019 21st European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE '19 ECCE Europe). DOI:  Webseite Interpretation of Measured IPMSM Flux for Parameter Identifikation
  • Nitzsche, M.; Cheshire, C.; Ammann, U.; Fischer, M.; Ruthardt, J.; Roth-Stielow, J.: Comprehensive Comparison of a SiC MOSFET and Si IGBT Based Inverter; PCIM Europe 2019; International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management.
  • Piriienko, S.; Ammann, U.; Neuburger, M.; Bertele, F.; R?ser, T.; Balakhontsev, A.; Neuberger, N.; Cheng, P.W. (2019): Influence of the Control Strategy on the Efficiency of SynRM Based Small-Scale Wind Generators; IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology 2019, Melbourne, Australia, 13-15.02.2019,
  • Auerbach, M.; Zirn, O. (2019): Analogiebetrachtung für hybride Antriebsketten, in 19. Internationales Stuttgarter Symposium, M?rz 2019, S. 409 -419. Print ISBN 978-3-658-25938-9, Online ISBN 978-3-658-25939-6
  • B?hm, K.A.; Hermann, P.; Zhang, C.; Kremzow-Tennie, S.; Parzyszek, D.; Pautzke, F. (2019): Das Forschungsprojekt D-See – Durchg?ngiges Schnellladekonzept für Elektrofahrzeuge. Kolloqium “Future Mobility”, Esslingen, Juli 2019.
  • Laing-Nepustil, D.; Nepustil, U.; Lodemann, D.; Hausmann, V.; Pekince, D.; Baumg?rtner, T.; Sivabalan, R. (2019): Development of an Active High Temperature PCM Storage Concept with Coated Heat Exchanger Plates. In: ISES Solar World Congress 2019, 04.-07.11.2019, Santiago, Chile.
  • Bertele, F.; Ammann, U.; Cheshire, C.; Neuburger, M.; Piriienko, S; R?ser, T. (2019): Interpretation of Measured IPMSM Flux Tables for Parameter Identification, IEEE EPE 19 ECCE Europe, Genova, Italy, 02.-06.09.2019.
  • Piriienko, S.; Neuburger, M.; Ammann, U.; Bertele, F.; R?ser, T.; Balakhontsev, A. (2019): Evaluation of the control statistigies influence on the efficiency of SynRM based small-scale wind generator, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), Melbourne, Australia, 13.-15.02.2019.
  • W?rner, R.; Vo?hans, M.; Holzner, P.; Faul, T.; Heisig, T. (2019): Fahrzeugklassifizierung mittels Stereokamerasystem unter Einsatz von Deep Learning, CfP. 11. Wissenschaftsforum Mobilit?t, Duisburg.
  • W?rner, R.; Blesl, M.; Jochem, P.; Kagerbauer, M (2019): Prognosen einer elektromobilen Offensive im urbanen Raum am Beispiel des Gro?raums Stuttgart Konsequenzen und Handlungsoptionen. 11. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung Wien, ?sterreich.
  • W?rner, R.; Vo?hans, M.; Holzner, P.; Faul, T.; Heisig, T. (2019): Fahrzeugklassifizierung mittels Stereokamerasystem unter Einsatz von Deep Learning. In: Proff, H. (Hrsg.): Neue Dimensionen der Mobilit?t, Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler, Springer Verlag, S. 133-151. EBook  "Mobilit?t in Zeiten von Ver?nderung"
  • Auerbach, M.; Zirn, O. (2019): Analogies for the hybrid drive chain design. 19. Internationales Stuttgarter Symposium, FKFS, 19./20.3.2019, Springer-Vieweg, ISBN 978-3-658-21194-3.


  • Neuburger, Ammann, Piriienko, Bertele, R?ser, Balakhontsev (2018): Influence of the Control Strategy on the Efficiency of SynRMBased Small-Scale Wind Generators, IEEE-Proceedings.
  • Oberhauser, Müller, Neuburger (2018): M?glichkeiten zur CO2-Reduzierung durch intersektorale Energieversorgung von Elektrobussen am Beispiel der Stadt Esslingen“, 6. Internationaler E-Bus-Konferenz, Solingen.
  • Zirn, O.; Schmiel, F.; Dellermann, M. (2018): Traktionsenergieeinsparpotentiale an Elektrofahrzeugen durch mehrstufige Schaltgetriebe, 19. Internationales Stuttgarter Symposium, FKFS.
  • Fournier, Kathe, Pfeiffer, W?rner, Morozova (2018): Substituting individual Mobility by mobility sustainable on demand services with autonomous vehicles –sustainable assessment of Berlin and Stuttgart, International Conference on Mobility Challenges, Paris.
  • Zirn, Timmann, W?rner, Maier (2018): Potential fuel and emissions savings in city cars with 48 V RSG/ISG systems, 48 Volt power supply symposium, Berlin.
  • W?rner, Paul, Oncken, B?hm, Sluka, Meinhar (2018): Batteriesysteme als Kerninnovation der E-Mobilit?t: Wertanalytische Betrachtung und Konsequenzen für die Industriestruktur, emove 360°symposium, München, dt.
  • Vasile, Ngo, W?rner, Schneider, Morozova (2018): Future power supply for electric mobility: investigation of cooperative charging management on basis of smart grids, emove 360°, München.
  • Karla, Thirmawithana, Neuburger (2018): A novel Grid-Integration technique for IPT based EV Chargers, IEEEE Energy Conversion Congress & Expo, Portland.
  • GBallarin, Kok, Heisig, W?rner, Arifaj, Rahmani (2018): Gesch?ftsmodelle und Akzeptanzschwellen von hochautomatisierten Fahrerassistenzsystemen im Gütertransport, 10. Wissenschaftsforum Mobilit?t, Duisburg.
  • Braun, W?rner, Morozova, Schneider (2018): Zukünftige Energieversorgung für Elektromobilit?t: Untersuchung von kooperativem Last- und Lademanagement sowie L?sungsans?tze zur Aufrechterhaltung der Netzstabilit?t am Beispiel Esslingen am Neckar,  ATZ Fachtagung Netzintegration für Elektromobilit?t, Berlin.

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