Foto Arndt Jaeger

Angewandte Naturwissenschaften, Energie-und Geb?udetechnik Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Arndt Jaeger


Campus Esslingen Flandernstra?e
Raum: F 02.238
Flandernstra?e 101
73732 Esslingen

+49 711 397-4378



Spezielle Funktionen

Leiter des "Physiklabor B" und des "Optiklabors",

Raum F 02.238, Flandernstra?e 101, 73732 Esslingen


Im WS 2024/25:

mittwochs 11:30 - 12:00 Uhr im Raum F02.238,

sowie nach Vereinbarung.

Beruflicher werdegang


09/2014 - heute

Professor (Experimentalphysik für Ingenieure)

Hochschule Esslingen


10/2011 - 08/2014

Patent Manager bei OLED-Entwicklung

OSRAM AG, Regensburg


02/2006 - 09/2011

Project Manager bei OLED-Entwicklung

OSRAM Opto Semiconductors, Regensburg


04/2000 - 01/2006

Entwicklungsingenieur bei LED/Laser-Entwicklung

OSRAM Opto Semiconductors, Regensburg


09/1998 - 03/2000

Research Associate, Electrical Engineering, UC Santa Barbara, USA

University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, USA


04/1998 - 09/1998

Research Associate, City University of New York, New York City, USA

City University of New York


05/1993 - 09/1996

Physik, Promotion

Philipps-Universit?t Marburg


09/1986 - 08/1991

Physik, Diplom-Physiker

Humboldt-Universit?t zu Berlin




A. Jaeger, N. Ledentsov Jr., H. Meinert, M. Stock, K. Ehling, I. E. Titkov, O. Yu. Makarov, N. N. Ledentsov,

       “Impact of stress current on electro-optical properties of the cavity region in 850 nm VCSELs”

       Proc. of SPIE Vol. 12904 129040F-1 (2024)



A. Jaeger, M. Bou Sanayeh, H. Meinert, M. H?rer, O. Yu. Makarov, I. E. Titkov, N. Ledentsov Jr., N. N. Ledentsov, 

       “Photocurrent spectroscopy of 850nm oxide-confined vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers”

       Proc. of SPIE Vol. 12020 120200I-1 (2022)



S. Pecqueur, A. Maltenberger, M. A. Petrukhina, M. Halik, A. Jaeger, D. Pentlehner, G. Schmid,

       ?Wide Band-Gap Bismuth-based p-Dopants for Opto-Electronic Applications“,

       Angewandte Chemie 55, 10493 (2016)



G. Schmidt, J. H. Wemken, A. Maltenberger, C. Diez, A. Jaeger, T. Dobbertin, O. Hietsoi, C. Dubceac, M. A. Petrukhina,

       ?Fluorinated Copper(I) Carboxylates as Advanced Tunable p-Dopands

       for Organic Light-Emitting Diodes“,

       Advanced Materials 26, 878 (2014)



T. Schmidt, D. S. Setz, M. Fl?mmig, B. J. Scholz, A. Jaeger, C. Diez, D. Michaelis, N. Danz, W. Brütting,

       ?Degradation induced decrease of the radiative quantum efficiency

        in organic light-emitting diodes“,

       Applied Physics Letters 101, 103301 (2012)



B. J. Scholz, J. Frischeisen, A. Jaeger, D. S. Setz, T. C. G. Reusch, W. Brütting,

       ?Extraction of surface plasmons in organic light-emitting diodes via high-index coupling“,

       Optics Express 20, A205 (2012)



P. Altieri, A. Jaeger, T. Lutz, P. Stauss, K. Streubel, K. Thonke, R. Sauer,

       ?Influence of doping on the reliability of AlGaInP LEDs“,

       Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 43, 803 (2008)



K.-D. Katzer, W. Mertin, G. Bacher, A. Jaeger, K. Streubel,

       ?Voltage drop in an (AlxGa1-x)0.5In0.5P light-emitting diode

        probed by Kelvin probe force microscopy“,

       Applied Physics Letters 89, 103522 (2006)



M. Bou Sanayeh, A. Jaeger, W. Schmid, S. Tautz, P. Brick, K. Streubel,

       ?Investigation of dark line defects induced by catastrophic optical damage

        in broad-area AlGaInP lasers diodes“,

       Applied Physics Letters 89, 101111 (2006)



R. Joray, M. Ilegems, R. Stanley, W. Schmid, R. Butendeich, R. Wirth, A. Jaeger, K. Streubel,

       ?Far-Field Radiation Pattern of Red Emitting Thin-Film Resonant Cavity LEDs“,

       IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 18, 1052 (2006)



W. Mertin, K.-D. Katzer, G. Bacher, A. Jaeger, K. Streubel,

       ?Kelvin force microscopy on a (AlxGa1-x)0.5In0.5P light-emitting diode“,

       Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 6134, 93 (2006)



P. Altieri, A. Jaeger, R. Windisch, N. Linder, P. Stauss, R. Oberschmid, K. Streubel,

       ?Internal Quantum Efficiency of high-brightness AlGaInP Light-Emitting Diodes“,

       Journal of Applied Physics 98, 86101 (2005)



P. Altieri, A. Jaeger, P. Stauss, T. Pietzonka, K. Streubel,

       ?Efficiency and reliability of AlGaInP LEDs grown on Germanium substrates“,

       Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 5739, 93 (2005)



R. Joray, M. Ilegems, R. Stanley, W. Schmid, R. Butendeich, R. Wirth, A. Jaeger, K. Streubel,

       ?High-brightness red-emitting AlGaInP thin film RCLEDs“,

       Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 5594, 190 (2004)



P. Altieri, A. Jaeger, R. Windisch, N. Linder, P. Stauss, R. Oberschmid, K. Streubel,

       ?Color-dependent degradation of high-brightness AlGaInP LEDs“,

       Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 5349, 416 (2004)



K. Streubel, N. Linder, R. Wirth, A. Jaeger,

       ?High-brightness AlGaInP light-emitting diodes“,

       IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 8, 321 (2002)



O. Pursiainen, N. Linder, A. Jaeger, R. Oberschmid, K. Streubel,

       ?Identification of aging mechanisms

        in the optical and electrical characteristics of light-emitting diodes“,

       Applied Physics Letters 79, 2895 (2001)



A. Jaeger, P. M. Petroff, T. D. Lowes,

       ?Angle-dependent photocurrent spectroscopy

        of oxide-apertured vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers during aging“,

       Applied Physics Letters 78, 3012 (2001)



T. Lundstrom, W. Schoenfeld, T. Mankad, A. Jaeger, H. Lee, P. M. Petroff,

       ?Splitting and storing excitons in strained coupled self-assembled quantum dots“,

       Physics E 7, 494 (2000)



A. Jaeger, W. D. Sun, F. H. Pollak, C. L. Reynolds, M. Geva,

       ?Characterization of p-dopant interdiffusion

        in 1.3 mm InGaAsP/InP laser structures using modulation spectroscopy“,

       Journal of Applied Physics 86, 2020 (1999)



A. Jaeger, W. D. Sun, F. H. Pollak, C. L. Reynolds, M. Geva, D. V. Stampone, M. W. Focht, O. Y. Raisky, W. B. Wang, R. R. Alfano,

       ?Characterization of InGaAsP/InP p-i-n solar cell structures

       using modulation spectroscopy and secondary ion mass spectrometry“,

       Journal of Applied Physics 85, 1921 (1999)



A. Jaeger, G. Weiser,

       ?Excitonic electroabsorption spectra and Franz-Keldysh effect of InGaAs/InP

        studied by small modulation of static fields“,

       Physical Review B 58, 10674 (1998)



J. W. Tomm, A. B?rwolff, A. Jaeger, T. Els?sser, J. Bollmann, W. T. Masselink, A. Gerhardt, J. Donecker,

       ?Deep level spectroscopy of high power laser diode arrays“,

       Journal of Applied Physics 84, 1325 (1998)



R. Puchert, J. W. Tomm, A. Jaeger, A. B?rwolff, J. Luft, W. Sp?th,

       ?Emitter failure and thermal facet load in high power laser diode arrays“,

       Applied Physics A 66, 483 (1998)



J. W. Tomm, A. Jaeger, A. B?rwolff, T. Els?sser, A. Gerhardt, J. Donecker,

       ?Aging properties of high power laser diode arrays

        analyzed by Fourier-transform photo-current measurements“,

       Applied Physics Letters 71, 2233 (1997)



A. Jaeger, G. Weiser, P. Wiedemann, I. Gyuro, E. Zielinski,

       ?The size of coherent bandstates in semiconductors, derived from the Franz-Keldysh effect“,

       Journal of Physics C 8, 6779 (1996)



A. Jaeger, G. Weiser, P. Wiedemann,

       ?Inhomogeneous exciton broadening and mean free path in InGaAsP/InP heterostructures“,

       IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 1, 1113 (1995)



A. Jaeger, W. Hoerstel, M. Thiede, P. Sch?fer, J. Elsing,

       ?2D channel transport of metal-insulator semiconductor field effect transistors

        on narrow-gap HgCdTe (0.2<x<0.3)“,

       Semiconductor Science & Techn. 9, 54 (1994)



G. Nachtwei, C. Breitlow, A. Jaeger, P. Svoboda, P. Streda, M. Cukr, L. Bliek, F.-J. Ahlers, H. Schlegel,

       ?Temperature-dependent scaling and current-dependent non-ohmic behaviour

        between integer quantum Hall plateaux“,

       Semiconductor Science & Techn. 8, 25 (1993)



G. Nachtwei, C. Breitlow, A. Jaeger, J. Breitlow-Hertzfeldt,

       ?Breakdown of the quantum Hall effect

        as a function of the filling factor and the contact configuration“,

       Journal of Physics C 4, 4003 (1992)



P. Svoboda, P. Streda, G. Nachtwei, A. Jaeger, M. Cukr, M. Laznicka,

       ?Current-induced coupling of the edge and bulk channels in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures“,

       Physical Review B 45, 8763 (1992)



G. Nachtwei, O. Salchow, C. Breitlow, A. Jaeger, H. Krüger,

       ?Density of states of the 2DES at Si-MOS and Si-MNOS devices in the quantum Hall regime“,

       Surface Science 250, 243 (1991)


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