Informatik und Informationstechnik Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Informatiker Kai Warendorf
Campus Esslingen Flandernstra?e
F 01.317
Flandernstra?e 101
73732 Esslingen
Mitglied des Ausschusses Ausland
Praktikantenamtsleitung Ingenieurp?dagogik Informationstechnik-Elektrotechnik (Bachelor)
Praktikantenamtsleitung Softwaretechnik und Medieninformatik (Bachelor)
Object Oriented Systems
Software Engineering
Spezielle Funktionen
Mo. 13:00 - 13:30 und nach Vereinbarung
Kai Warendorf: Untersuchungen mit der Methode der finiten Elemente zur Weiterentwicklung eines alternative Ausbausystems, Verlag K?ster, Berlin, Germany (May 1994), 158 pages.
Antoon Verhoeven, Kai Warendorf: Java Hypermedia On and Beyond the World Wide Web, Computer Communications (20) 16, 1998, pp. 1481-1489.
Kai Warendorf, Tsao Su Jen: Application of Fuzzy Logic Techniques in the BSS1 Tutoring System, Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 8 (1), 1997, pp. 113-142. {PostScript, Acrobat}
Kai Warendorf: Finite-Elemente-Modell zum alternativen Ausbausystem mit nachgiebigen Baustoffen (Finite element model for alternative support system with yielding materials) Glückauf Forschungshefte, 55 (6), 1994, pp. 146-150.
Kai Warendorf, Wen-Jing Hsu & Poh Yeen Seah: ARMVLS - Atomic Reaction Model Visual Language System, Proceedings of the World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia (ED-MEDIA 98), Freiburg, Germany, (20.-25. June 1998), Pg. 1496-1502.
Antoon Verhoeven and Kai Warendorf: Education and spatial Hypermedia: The Hypermap Browser, Proceedings of the World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia (ED-MEDIA 98), Freiburg, Germany, (20.-25. June 1998), Pg. 1464-1470.
Kai Warendorf: Towards advanced Hypermedia: The minimalistic Java Approach, Proceedings of the World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia (ED-MEDIA 98), Freiburg, Germany, (20.-25. June 1998), Pg. 1973-1974.
Kai Warendorf, Colin Tan: Constraint-Based Student Modeling for an Intelligent Tutoring System on Data Structures, in B. du Boulay, R. Mizoguchi (Eds.) Artificial Intelligence in Education: Knowledge and Media in Learning Systems, pp.671-673.
Kai Warendorf, Colin Tan: ADIS - An Animated Data Structure Intelligent Tutoring System or Putting an Interactive Tutor on the WWW, Proceedings of the workshop "Intelligent Educational Systems on the World Wide Web", 8th World Conference of the AIED Society, Pg.54-60
Antoon Verhoeven, Kai Warendorf: Hypermedia on the Map: Spatial Hypermedia in HyperMap, Proceedings of ICICS 97 (9-12 September 1997), Singapore, Vol 1, Pg. 589-595.
Kai Warendorf, Colin Tan: Constraint-Based Student Modeling - a simpler way of revising Student Errors, Proceedings of ICICS 97 (9-12 September 1997), Singapore, Vol. 2, Pg. 1083-1087.
Kai Warendorf: ADIS - An Animated Data Structure Intelligent Tutoring System on the WWW, Proceedings of ICICS 97 (9-12 September 1997), Singapore, , Vol. 2, Pg. 944-947.
Kai Warendorf, Wen Jing Hsu, Poh Yeen Seah: ARMVLS - Atomic Reaction Model Visual Language System -A New Way of Animating Algorithms, Proceedings of ICICS 97 (9-12 September 1997), Singapore, Vol. 2, Pg. 939-943.
Kai Warendorf, Sharon Tan, Su-Jen Tsao: A Fuzzy Rule Data Base to Guide and Monitor Student Learning, Proceedings of PACES/SPICIS 97 (24-27 February 1997), Singapore, Pg. 545-560.
Kai Warendorf, Xu Haiping, Antoon Verhoeven: Case-based Instructional Planning for Learning in a Context, Proceedings of PACES/SPICIS 97 (24-27 February 1997), Singapore, Pg. 354-360.
Antoon Verhoeven, Kai Warendorf: Design Issues for a Hypermedia Lab Support ITS, Proceedings of PACES/SPICIS 97 (24-27 February 1997), Singapore, Pg. 567-574.
Kai Warendorf, Wen-Jing Hsu, Yew-Chong Chia: Using Animation to Understand Algorithms in a Multimedia Teaching System, Proceedings of APCHI 96 (25-28 June 1996), Singapore, Pg. 367-376.
Kai Warendorf:Combining interactive multimedia and inquiry teaching to build an intelligent multimedia tutoring system, Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 96 (17-22 June 1996), Boston, USA, Pg. 814.
Kai Warendorf, Wen-Jing Hsu, Yew-Chong Chia: ALGANI - Algorithm Animations for Computations, Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 96 (17-22 June 1996), Boston, USA, Pg. 815.
Kai Warendorf, F.-L. Wilke: A FE-model for evaluating roadway support systems under high rock pressure, Proceedings of APCOM XXIV (Oct 31 - Nov 3, 1993) , Montreal, Canada, Vol. 3, Pg. 292-299
Antoon Verhoeven , Kai Warendorf: HyperMap, a Spatial Hypermedia Browser for Education, SAS Research Link 4/98, Singapore, S. 12-14.
Kai Warendorf, Antoon Verhoeven: Intelligent Multimedia Tutoring System for Laboratory Support in Software Engineering Education, SAS Research Link 3/97, Singapore, Pg. 11+16.
Dan Patterson, Grahan Leedham, Kai Warendorf, Tan Ah Hwee (Editors): The Joint 1997 Pacific Asian Conference on Exper Systems / Singapore International Conference on Intelligent Systems, PACES/SPICIS 97 Conference Proceedings (24-27 February 1997), Singapore.
Kai Warendorf: Book Review on Designing multimedia environments for children (A. Druin and C. Solomon), Intelligent Tutoring Media 7 (2), 1996, Pg. 78-79.
A. M?ller, K. Warendorf, F.-L. Wilke: Alternative M?glichkeiten zum Offenhalten von Grubenr?umen im Steinkohlenbergbau bei hohem Gebirgsdruck, Erfolgskontrollbericht FV Stufe 2A, Berlin, Germany (May 1993), 5 pages.
A. M?ller, K. Warendorf, F.-L. Wilke: Alternative M?glichkeiten zum Offenhalten von Grubenr?umen im Steinkohlenbergbau bei hohem Gebirgsdruck, Abschlu?kontrollbericht FV Stufe 2A, Berlin, Germany (May 1993), 256 pages.
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