Inem - Institut für nachhaltige Energietechnik und Mobilit?t Leonard Kurz, B.Eng., M.Sc.


Campus G?ppingen
Raum: G 05.003
Robert-Bosch-Stra?e 1
73037 G?ppingen

+49 7161 679-1187

Campus Esslingen Stadtmitte
Raum: S 12.201
Kanalstra?e 33
73728 Esslingen

+49 711 397-3928



08/2023: Sonja Rosenberg, Leonard Kurz, Sandra Huster, Steven Wehrstein, Steffen Kiemel, Frank Schultmann, Frederik Reichert, Ralf W?rner, Simon Gl?ser-Chahoud, Combining dynamic material flow analysis and life cycle assessment to evaluate environmental benefits of recycling – A case study for direct and hydrometallurgical closed-loop recycling of electric vehicle battery systems, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Volume 198, 2023, 107145, ISSN 0921-3449,

12/2022: Kurz, L.; Forster, S.; W?rner, R.; Reichert, F. Environmental Impacts of Specific Recyclates in European Battery Regulatory-Compliant Lithium-Ion Cell Manufacturing. Sustainability2023, 15, 103.  

05/2021: Kurz, L.; Faryadras, M.; Klugius, I.; Reichert, F.; Scheibe, A.; Schmidt, M.; W?rner, R. Global Warming Potential of a New Waterjet-Based Recycling Process for Cathode Materials of Lithium-Ion Batteries. Batteries2021, 7, 29. 


10/2021: A Direct Waterjet-Based Recycling Process for Lithium?Ion Cathodes in the Context of Sustainability and Requirements for a European Circular Economy, Leonard Kurz, Steven Wehrstein, Ines Klugius, Frederik Reichert, Andreas Scheibe, Matthias Schmidt, Ralf W?rner, Green Batteries Conference, Würzburg, 2021 (Vortrag)

10/2020: Global Warming Potential of a new recycling method for Li-Ion Batteries, Prof. Dr. Ralf W?rner, Henrik Günthner, Dr.-Ing. Ines Klugius, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Scheibe, Prof. Dr. Frederik Reichert, Leonard Kurz, Mojtaba Faryadras, IBPC, Braunschweig, 2020 (Poster)



Life Cycle Assessment im ?kosystem von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien.


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