Foto Michael Scharf

Informatik und Informationstechnik Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Scharf


Campus Esslingen Flandernstra?e
Raum: F 01.456
Flandernstra?e 101
73732 Esslingen

+49 711 397-4164


Laborleitung Labor Kommunikationstechnik




Sommersemester 2025:

Donnerstag 13:30 - 14:30 Uhr (bitte vorab E-Mail senden) oder flexibel nach Vereinbarung

Vorlesungsfreie Zeit:

Nach Vereinbarung

Beruflicher werdegang

  • Seit Sept. 2018: Professor für Kommunikationsnetze an der Hochschule Esslingen
  • Juli 2015 - Aug. 2018: Produktmanager für Netzmanagementsysteme und Distinguished Member of Technical Staff (DMTS) bei Alcatel-Lucent und Nokia in Stuttgart
  • Sept. 2009 - Juni 2015: Forschungsingenieur bei Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs in Stuttgart
  • Juli 2003 - Aug. 2009: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Kommunikationsnetze und Rechnersysteme (IKR) der Universit?t Stuttgart
  • Elektrotechnik-Studium an der Universit?t Stuttgart



  • Michael Scharf, "Comparison of end-to-end and network-supported fast startup congestion control schemes", Computer Networks Volume 55, Issue 8, Jun. 2011, pp. 1921-1940
  • Simon Hauger, Michael Scharf, Jochen K?gel, Chawapong Suriyajan, "Evaluation of Router Implementations for Explicit Congestion Control Schemes", Journal of Communications, Vol. 5, No. 3, Mar. 2010, pp. 197-204
  • Sebastian Kiesel, Michael Scharf: "Modeling and performance evaluation of transport protocols for firewall control", Computer Networks, Elsevier, Volume 51, Issue 11, Aug. 2007, pp. 3232-3251

Conference papers (peer reviewed)

  • Manuel Stein, Michael Scharf, Volker Hilt, "SDN Policy-Driven Service Chain Placement in OpenStack",  Proc. IFIP/IEEE Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM), May 2017
  • Michael Scharf, Manuel Stein, Thomas Voith, Volker Hilt, "Network-aware Instance Scheduling in OpenStack", Proc. IEEE International Workshop on Manageability and Security of Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Network (MASONS), Aug. 2015
  • Michael Scharf, Gordon Wilfrong, Lisa Zhang, "Sparsifying Network Topologies for Application Guidance", Proc. IFIP/IEEE Symposium on Integrated Network and Service Management (IM), May 2015
  • Michael Scharf, Thomas Voith, Manuel Stein, Volker Hilt, "ATLAS: Accurate Topology Level-of-Detail Abstraction System", Proc. IEEE/IFIP NOMS, May 2014
  • Michael Scharf, Vijay Gurbani, Thomas Voith, Manuel Stein, W. Roome, Greg Soprovich, Volker Hilt, "Dynamic VPN Optimization by ALTO Guidance", Proc. EWSDN Workshop, Oct. 2013
  • Amanpreet Singh, Carmelita G?rg, Andreas Timm-Giel, Michael Scharf, Thomas-Rolf Banniza, "Performance Comparison of Scheduling Algorithms for Multipath Transfer", Proc. IEEE Globecom, Dec. 2012
  • Michael Scharf, Thomas Voith, W. Roome, Bob Gaglianello, Moritz Steiner, Volker Hilt, Vijay K. Gurbani, "Monitoring and Abstraction for Networked Clouds", Proc. ICIN, Oct. 2012, Best presentation/demo award
  • Vijay Gurbani, Michael Scharf, T. V. Lakshman, Volker Hilt, Enrico Marocco, "Abstracting network state in Software Defined Networks (SDN) for rendezvous services", Proc. Workshop on Software Defined Networks (SDN'12), Co-located with IEEE ICC, Jun. 2012
  • Dominik Klein, Rastin Pries Michael Scharf, Michael Soellner, Michael Menth, "Modeling and Evaluation of Address Resolution Scalability in VPLS", Proc. IEEE ICC, Jun. 2012
  • Michael Scharf, Thomas-Rolf Banniza, "MCTCP: A Multipath Transport Shim Layer", Proc. IEEE Globecom, Dec. 2011
  • Dominik Klein, Michael Menth, Rastin Pries, Michael Scharf, Michael Soellner, "A Subscription Model for Time-Scheduled Data Transfers", Proc. IFIP/IEEE Symposium on Integrated Network and Service Management (IM), 2011
  • Mirja Kühlewind, Michael Scharf, "Implementation and Performance Evaluation of the re-ECN Protocol", 3rd Workshop on Economic Traffic Management, LNCS 6236, Springer-Verlag, Sep. 2010, pp. 39-50
  • Amanpreet Singh, Christoph Nass, Andreas Timm-Giel, Peter Schefczik, Horst Roessler, Michael Scharf, "Generic Connectivity Architecture for Mobility and Multipath Flow Management in the Future Internet", Proc. MONAMI, Lecture Notes of ICST (LNICST), Springer-Verlag, Sep. 2010
  • Michael Scharf, Mike Eissele, Christian Mueller, Thomas Ertl: "Speeding up the 3D Web: A Case for Fast Startup Congestion Control", PFLDNeT 2009 Workshop, May 2009
  • Michael Scharf, "Work in Progress: Performance Evaluation of Fast Startup Congestion Control Schemes", Proc. Networking 2009, LNCS 5550, Springer-Verlag, May 2009, pp. 716-727
  • Jochen K?gel, Stefan Wahl, Michael Scharf, Marc Necker, "Load sharing in a distributed IMS Architecture", Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference 2009 Spring, Apr. 2009
  • Magnus Proebster, Michael Scharf, Simon Hauger, "Performance Comparison of Router Assisted Congestion Control Protocols: XCP vs. RCP", Proc. 2nd International Workshop on the Evaluation of Quality of Service through Simulation in the Future Internet, Mar. 2009
  • Simon Hauger, Michael Scharf, Jochen K?gel, Chawapong Suriyajan, "Quick-Start and XCP on a Network Processor: Implementation Issues and Performance Evaluation", Proc. IEEE HPSR 2008, May 2008
  • Michael Scharf, Haiko Strotbek, "Performance Evaluation of Quick-Start TCP with a Linux Kernel Implementation", Proc. Networking 2008, LNCS 4982, Springer-Verlag, May 2008, pp. 703-714
  • Michael Scharf, Simon Hauger, Jochen K?gel, "Quick-Start TCP: From Theory to Practice", Proc. PFLDnet 2008 Workshop, Mar. 2008
  • Michael Scharf, "Performance Analysis of the Quick-Start TCP Extension", Proc. IEEE Broadnets, Sep. 2007
  • Stephan Wanke, Michael Scharf, Sebastian Kiesel, Stefan Wahl, "Measurement of the SIP Parsing Performance in the SIP Express Router", Proc. EUNICE 2007, LNCS 4606, Springer Verlag, 2007, pp. 103-110
  • Stephan Lück, Christian M. Mueller, Michael Scharf, Robert Fetscher: "Algorithms for Hotspot Coverage Estimation based on Field Strength Measurements", Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Spring 2007, 2007
  • Michael Scharf, Sebastian Kiesel: "Head-of-Line Blocking in TCP and SCTP: Analysis and Measurements", Proc. IEEE Globecom, Nov. 2006
  • Sebastian Kiesel, Michael Scharf: "Modeling and Performance Evaluation of SCTP as Transport Protocol for Firewall Control", Proc. IFIP Networking 2006, LNCS 3976, Springer Verlag, 2006, pp. 451-462
  • Bernd Gloss, Michael Scharf, Daniel Neubauer: "Location-Dependent Parametrization of a Random Direction Mobility Model", Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Spring 2006, 2006
  • Michael Scharf: "On the Response Time of Large-scale Composite Web Services", Proc. 19th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 19), 2005, pp. 1807-1816
  • Stephan Lück, Michael Scharf, Jorge Gil: "An Architecture for Aquisition and Provision of Hotspot Coverage Information", Proc. 11th European Wireless, 2005, pp. 287-293
  • Marc Necker, Michael Scharf, Andreas Weber: "Performance of TCP and HTTP Proxies in UMTS Networks", Proc. 11th European Wireless, 2005, pp. 504-513
  • Marc Necker, Michael Scharf, Andreas Weber: "Performance of Different Proxy Concepts in UMTS Networks", LNCS 3427, Springer-Verlag, 2005, pp. 36-51
  • Michael Scharf, Marc C. Necker, Bernd Gloss: "The Sensitivity of TCP to Sudden Delay Variations in Mobile Networks", Proc. IFIP Networking 2004, LNCS 3042, Springer-Verlag, 2004, pp. 76-87
  • Michael Wolf, Michael Scharf: "Evaluation of Mobility Management Approaches for IPv6 based Mobile Car Networks", Proc. Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS), 2003

Demonstrations (peer reviewed)

  • Moritz Steiner, Bob Gaglianello, Vijay Gurbani, Volker Hilt, W. D. Roome, Michael Scharf, Thomas Voith, "Network-Aware Service Placement in a Distributed Cloud Environment", Demo at ACM SIGCOMM, 2012
  • Michael Scharf, Thomas-Rolf Banniza: "An Initial Prototype of Multi-Connection TCP Transport", Demo at EuroView 2010, Aug. 2010

Standardization contributions

  • Michael Scharf, Mahesh Jethanandani, Vishal Murgai, "YANG Data Model for TCP", IETF RFC 9648, Oct. 2024
  • Kent Watson, Michael Scharf, "YANG Groupings for TCP Clients and TCP Servers", IETF RFC 9643, Oct. 2024
  • Carles Gomez, Jon Crowcroft, Michael Scharf, "TCP Usage Guidance in the Internet of Things (IoT)", IETF RFC 9006, March 2021
  • Martin Stiemerling, Sebastian Kiesel, Michael Scharf, Hans Seidel, Stevano Previdi, "Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Deployment Considerations", IETF RFC 7971, Oct. 2016
  • Sebastian Kiesel, Martin Stiemerling, Nico Schwan, Michael Scharf, Haibin Song, "Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Server Discovery", IETF RFC 7286, Nov. 2014
  • Michael Scharf, Alan Ford, "MPTCP Application Interface Considerations", IETF RFC 6897, Mar. 2013
  • Dimitri Papadimitriou, Michael Welzl, Michael Scharf, Bob Briscoe, "Open Research Issues in Internet Congestion Control", IRTF RFC 6077, Feb. 2011


  • Michael Scharf, "Fast Startup Internet Congestion Control Mechanisms for Broadband Interactive Applications", PhD thesis, University of Stuttgart, 2011 Download


Angewandte Forschung zu Kommunikationsnetzen

  • Moderne Einsatzgebiete für TCP/IP (z.B. IoT oder Automotive Ethernet)
  • Netzmanagement und Datenmodellierung (z.B. NETCONF/YANG)

Weitere Informationen

Michael Scharf ist aktiv in der Internet-Standardisierung:

Zum Laborraum F1.308 gibt weitere Informationen auf der Kommunikationstechnik Labor (KTlab) Seite.


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