Informatik und Informationstechnik Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Mirko Sonntag
Campus Esslingen Flandernstra?e
F 01.153
Flandernstra?e 101
73732 Esslingen
Mitglied der Wissenschaftskommission
Mitglied der Wissenschaftskommission
Professor für Softwaretechnik
Leiter des Fraunhofer Anwendungszentrums KEIM
Leiter des Hochschulinstitutes KEIM
- Softwaretechnik
- Agile Entwicklung
- Programmieren
- Software Tests
- DevOps
- Mobilit?t
- Softwaretechnik
Spezielle Funktionen
Mitglied des Forschungsrates
Mitglied des Wissenschaftsrates
Mitglied des Hochschulrates
Im Wintersemester 2024:
In der Vorlesungszeit: Donnerstag, 13:00 - 14:00. Bitte schreiben Sie mir eine E-Mail.
In der vorlesungsfreien Zeit: Nach Vereinbarung. Bitte schreiben Sie mir eine E-Mail.
Beruflicher werdegang
Ab 2021 Leiter des Anwendungszentrums KEIM
Ab 2019 Professor für Softwaretechnik an der Hochschule Esslingen
2012 - 2019 Software-Entwicklung im Bereich Fahrzeugvernetzung bei der Bosch Software Innovations GmbH als Entwickler, Scrum Master, Projektleiter und Gruppenleiter
2009 - 2012 Doktorand am Institut für Architektur von Anwendungssystemen (IAAS), Universit?t Stuttgart, im Rahmen der DFG Exzellenzinitiative Simulation Technology (SimTech). Forschungsschwerpunkt: Flexibilit?t von wissenschaftlichen Workflows. Abschluss: Dr. rer. nat.
2002 - 2008 Student der Softwaretechnik an der Universit?t Stuttgart. Schwerpunkt: Architektur von Anwendungssystemen. Abschluss: Dipl.-Informatiker
- G?rlach, Katharina; Sonntag, Mirko; Karastoyanova, Dimka; Leymann, Frank; Reiter, Michael: Conventional Workflow Technology for Scientific Simulation. In: Yang, Xiaoyu (Hrsg); Wang, Lizhe (Hrsg); Jie, Wei (Hrsg): Guide to e-Science, Springer-Verlag, 2011
- Sonntag, Mirko; Karastoyanova, Dimka: Model-as-you-go: An Approach for an Advanced Infrastructure for Scientific Workflows. In: Journal of Grid Computing. Vol. 11(3), Springer Verlag, 2013.
- Sonntag, Mirko; Karastoyanova, Dimka: Ad hoc Iteration and Re-execution of Activities in Workflows. In: International Journal On Advances in Software. Vol. 5(1 & 2), Xpert Publishing Services, 2012.
- Kopp, Oliver; G?rlach, Katharina; Karastoyanova, Dimka; Leymann, Frank; Reiter, Michael; Schumm, David; Sonntag, Mirko; Strauch, Steve; Unger, Tobias; Wieland, Matthias; Khalaf, Rania: A Classification of BPEL Extensions. In: Journal of Systems Integration. Vol. 2(4), Online, 2011.
- Schumm, David; Karastoyanova, Dimka; Kopp, Oliver; Leymann, Frank; Sonntag, Mirko; Strauch, Steve: Process Fragment Libraries for Easier and Faster Development of Process-based Applications. In: Journal of Systems Integration. Vol. 2(1), Online, 2011.
- Sonntag, Mirko; G?rlach, Katharina; Karastoyanova, Dimka; Leymann, Frank; Reiter, Michael: Process Space-based Scientific Workflow Enactment. In: International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management (IJBPIM) Special Issue on Scientific Workflows, Vol 5, No. 1, pp. 32-44, Inderscience Publishers, 2010.
- Reichs?llner, Emanuel; Freymann, Andreas; Sonntag, Mirko; Trautwein, Ingo: SUMO4AV: An Environment to Simulate Scenarios for Shared Autonomous Vehicle Fleets with SUMO Based on OpenStreetMap Data. In: SUMO Conference Proceedings (Vol. 3, pp. 83-94), 2022
- Schirmer, Fabian; Maier, Florian; Schick, Stefan; Sonntag, Mirko: An architecture to forecast a dynamic price for supporting load management and optimizing the utilization of charging stations. In: Proceedings of the 31st RESER conference, 2021.
- Karastoyanova, Dimka; Dentsas, Dimitrios; Schumm, David; Sonntag, Mirko; Sun, Lina; Vukojevic-Haupt, Karolina: Service-based Integration of Human Users in Workflow-driven Scientific Experiments. In: Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on eScience (eScience 2012).
- Sonntag, Mirko; Hotta, Sven; Karastoyanova, Dimka; Molnar, David; Schmauder, Siegfried: Using Services and Service Compositions to Enable the Distributed Execution of Legacy Simulation Applications. In: Abramowicz, W. (Hrsg); Llorente, I.M. (Hrsg); Surridge, M. (Hrsg); Zisman, A. (Hrsg); Vayssière, J. (Hrsg): Towards a Service-Based Internet, Proceedings of the 4th European Conference ServiceWave 2011, Poznan, Poland, 2011.
- Sonntag, Mirko; G?rlach, Katharina; Karastoyanova, Dimka; Leymann, Frank; Malets, Polina; Schumm, David: Views on Scientific Workflows. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Perspectives in Business Informatics Research (BIR 2011), 2011.
- Sonntag, Mirko; Karastoyanova, Dimka: Enforcing the Repeated Execution of Logic in Workflows. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Business Intelligence and Technology (BUSTECH 2011), Rome, Italy, 2011.
- Sonntag, Mirko; Karastoyanova, Dimka: Compensation of Adapted Service Orchestration Logic in BPEL'n'Aspects. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2011), Clermont-Ferrand, France, 2011.
- Sonntag, Mirko; Karastoyanova, Dimka; Deelman, Ewa: Bridging The Gap Between Business And Scientific Workflows. In: Proceedings of the IEEE 6th International Conference on e-Science, Brisbane, Australia, December 7-10, 2010.
- Sonntag, Mirko; Currle-Linde, Natalia; G?rlach, Katharina; Karastoyanova, Dimka: Towards Simulation Workflows With BPEL: Deriving Missing Features From GriCoL. In: Alhajj, R.S. (Hrsg); Leung, V.C.M. (Hrsg); Saif, M. (Hrsg); Thring, R. (Hrsg): Proceedings of the 21st IASTED International Conference on Modelling and Simulation (MS 2010), 2010.
- Sonntag, Mirko; Karastoyanova, Dimka: Next Generation Interactive Scientific Experimenting Based On The Workflow Technology. In: Alhajj, R.S. (Hrsg); Leung, V.C.M. (Hrsg); Saif, M. (Hrsg); Thring, R. (Hrsg): Proceedings of the 21st IASTED International Conference on Modelling and Simulation (MS 2010), 2010.
- Nitzsche, J?rg; H?hersteiger, Benjamin; Leymann, Frank; Sonntag, Mirko; Tost, Markus: Defining the Behaviour of BPELlight Interaction Activities Using Message Exchange Patterns. In: Proceedings of the Service Wave 2008.
- Sonntag, Mirko; Hahn, Michael; Karastoyanova, Dimka: Mayflower - Explorative Modeling of Scientific Workflows with BPEL. In: Proceedings of the Demo Track of the 10th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2012), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2012.
- Schumm, David; Dentsas, Dimitrios; Hahn, Michael; Karastoyanova, Dimka; Leymann, Frank; Sonntag, Mirko: Web Service Composition Reuse through Shared Process Fragment Libraries. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2012 Demos).
- Sonntag, Mirko; Hotta, Sven; Karastoyanova, Dimka; Molnar, David; Schmauder, Siegfried: Workflow-Based Distributed Environment For Legacy Simulation Applications. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies (ICSOFT 2011), Poster Paper.
- Sonntag, Mirko; Karastoyanova, Dimka: Concurrent Workflow Evolution. In: Electronic Communications of the EASST, Volume 37, ISSN 1863-2122, 2011.
- Sonntag, Mirko; Karastoyanova, Dimka: BPEL'n'Aspects And Compensation: Adapted Service Orchestration Logic and its Compensation Using Aspects. In: Weske, Mathias (Hrsg); Yang, Jian (Hrsg); Maglio, Paul (Hrsg); Fantinato, Marcelo (Hrsg): Proceedings of the 8th Int. Conf. on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2010), Demo Track, 2010.
- Sonntag, Mirko; Karastoyanova, Dimka; Deelman, Ewa: BPEL4Pegasus: Combining Business and Scientific Workflows. In: Weske, Mathias (Hrsg); Yang, Jian (Hrsg); Maglio, Paul (Hrsg); Fantinato, Marcelo (Hrsg): Proceedings of the 8th Int. Conf. on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2010), Demo Track, 2010.
- Sonntag, Mirko; Karastoyanova, Dimka; Leymann, Frank: The Missing Features of Workflow Systems for Scientific Computations. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Grid Workflow Workshop (GWW), Software Engineering Conference, GI-Edition Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), P-160, 2010.
- Sonntag, Mirko; Karastoyanova, Dimka:Workflow-based Distributed Environment for Legacy Simulation Applications. 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies (ICSOFT 2011), Seville, Spain, July 2011.
- Sonntag, Mirko; Karastoyanova, Dimka: Workflow-based Simulation of Solids. International Conference on Simulation Technology (SimTech 2011), Stuttgart, Germany, June 2011.
Technischer Report:
- Kopp, Oliver; Henke, Sebastian; Karastoyanova, Dimka; Khalaf, Rania; Leymann, Frank; Sonntag, Mirko; Steinmetz, Thomas; Unger, Tobias; Wetzstein, Branimir: An Event Model for WS-BPEL 2.0, University of Stuttgart, Technical Report No. 2011/07.
- Sonntag, Mirko: Conceptual Design and Implementation of a BPEL light Workflow Engine With Support for Message Exchange Patterns., Diploma Thesis No. 2822, 2008.
- Wagner, Sebastian; Sonntag, Mirko; Gostmann, Hendrik: Vergleich von Business Activity Monitoring Werkzeugen, Student Report Software Engineering No. 76, 2007.
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