Maschinen und Systeme Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sandra Hartl
Campus Esslingen Stadtmitte
S 01.-127
Kanalstra?e 33
73728 Esslingen
Mitglied der Gleichstellungskommission
- Eisen als Energietr?ger einer klimaneutralen Kreislaufwirtschaft (Clean Circles)
- Modellierung und Simulation thermo-fluiddynamischer Prozesse (Fluidmechanik)
- Laminare und turbulente reaktive und nicht-reaktive Str?mungen (u.A. thermo-chemische Oxidation, Katalysatormodellierung)
- Experimentell gestu?tzter Modellentwicklung
- Nachhaltige Energiesysteme/Energiespeicher
- W?rme- und Stoffübertragung
- Thermodynamik
nach Vereinbarung
Beruflicher werdegang
2006 - 2011: Studium der Mathematik, Dipl.-Math. (TU Chemnitz), Studienschwerpunkte: Numerische Mathematik
2011 - 2017: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Professur fu?r Numerische Thermofluiddynamik (TU Bergakademie Freiberg)
2017: Promotion, Dr.-Ing. (TU Bergakademie Freiberg)
2018 - 2022: Postdoc im Fachbereich Maschinenbau und Kunststofftechnik (Hochschule Darmstadt) und am Fachgebiet Simulation reaktiver Thermo-Fluid Systeme (TU Darmstadt)
2021 - 2024: Umicore AG & Co. KG, Hanau im Bereich Automotive Catalysts als Entwicklungsingenieurin
Begutachteten Fachzeitschriften
Cellular structures of laminar lean premixed H2/CH4/air polyhedral flames
Applications in Energy and Combustion Science 13, 2023
S. Shi, A. Breicher, J. Trabold, S. Hartl, R. S. Barlow, A. Dreizler, D. Geyer
Urea Conversion for Low‐Temperature Selective Catalytic Reduction in a Swirled Diesel Exhaust Gas Configuration
Chemical Engineering & Technology 45 (4), 2022, Pages 610-619
S. Gierth, S. Hartl, M. Pollack, C. Hasse, U. Hofmann, G. Zikoridse, H. Rautenberg, F. Will, C. Hahn, S. Kureti
Fuel effects in turbulent premixed pre-vaporised alcohol/air jet flames
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 106 (2), Pahes 547-573, J. Trabold, S. Hartl, S. Walther, A. Johchi, A. Dreizler, D. Geyer
Characterization of multi-regime reaction zones in a piloted inhomogeneous jet flame with local extinction
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38, 2021, Pages 2571–2579
R.S. Barlow, S. Hartl, C. Hasse, H.C. Cutcher, A.R. Masri
Assessing multi-regime combustion in a novel burner configuration with large eddy simulations using tabulated chemistry
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38, 2021, Pages 2551–2558
S. Popp, S. Hartl, D. Butz, D. Geyer, A. Dreizler, L. Vervisch, C. Hasse
Flame structure analysis of turbulent premixed/stratified flames with H2 addition considering differential diffusion and stretch effects
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38, 2021, Pages 2993–3001
X. Wen, S. Hartl, A. Dreizler, J. Janicka, C. Hasse
Combustion regime identification from machine learning trained by Raman/Rayleigh line measurements
Combustion and Flame, Volume 219, 2020, Pages 268 – 274
K. Wan, S. Hartl, L. Vervisch, P. Domingo, R.S. Barlow, C. Hasse
Derivation and analysis of two-dimensional composition space equations for multi-regime combustion using orthogonal coordinates
Combustion and Flame, Volume 218, 2020, Pages 205 - 217
A. Scholtissek, S. Popp, S. Hartl, H. Olguin, P. Domingo, L. Vervisch, C. Hasse
Fuel Effects in Turbulent Premixed Pre-vaporised Alcohol/Air Jet Flames
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 2020, Pages 1573-1987
J. Trabold, S. Hartl, S. Walther, A. Johchi, A. Dreizler, D. Geyer
Numerical and experimental investigation of the laminar burning velocity of biofuels at atmospheric and high-pressure conditions
Fuel, Volume 247, 2019, Pages 250–256
F. Rau, S. Hartl, C. Hasse
Assessing an experimental approach for chemical explosive mode and heat release rate using DNS data
Combustion and Flame, Volume 209, 2019, Pages 214–224
S. Hartl, D. Geyer, C. Hasse, X. Zhao, H. Wang, R. S. Barlow
Local flame structure analysis in turbulent CH4/air flames with multi-regime characteristics
Combustion and Flame, Volume 210, 2019, Pages 426–438
D. Butz, S. Hartl, S. Popp, S. Walther, R. Barlow, C. Hasse, A. Dreizler, D. Geyer
Assessing the relative importance of flame regimes in Raman/Rayleigh line measurements of turbulent lifted flames
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Volume 37, 2019, Pages 2297–2305
S. Hartl, R. Van Winkle, D. Geyer, A. Dreizler, G. Magnotti, C. Hasse, R. S. Barlow
Regime identification from Raman/Rayleigh line measurements in partially premixed flames
Combustion and Flame, Volume 189, 2018, Pages 126–141
S. Hartl, D. Geyer, A. Dreizler, G. Magnotti, R. S. Barlow, C. Hasse
Flame Structure Analysis and Flamelet/Progress Variable Modelling of DME/Air Flames with Different Degrees of Premixing
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, Volume 102, Issue 3, Pages 757–773
S. Hartl, D. Messig, F. Fuest, C. Hasse
Development of an Ethanol Combustion Mechanism Based on a Hierarchical Optimization Approach
International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, Volume 48, 2016, Pages 423–441
C. Olm, T. Varga, ?. Valkó, S. Hartl, C. Hasse, T. Turányi
A Constrained Control Approach for the Automated Choice of an Optimal Progress Variable for Chemistry Tabulation
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, Volume 94, 2015, Pages 593-617
U. Prüfert, S. Hartl, F. Hunger, D. Messig, M. Eiermann, C. Hasse
Flamelet/progress variable modeling of partial oxidation systems: From laboratory flames to pilot-scale reactors
Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 134, 2015, Pages 694-707
M. Vascellari, H. Xu, S. Hartl, F. Hunger, C. Hasse
LES flamelet-progress variable modeling and measurements of a turbulent partially-premixed dimethyl ether jet flame
Combustion and Flame, Volume 162, Issue 8, 2015, Pages 3016-3029
S. Popp, F. Hunger, S. Hartl, D. Messig, B. Coriton, J. H. Frank, F. Fuest, C. Hasse
Laminar burning velocity measurements using the Heat Flux method and numerical predictions of iso-octane/ethanol blends for different preheat temperatures
Fuel, Volume 140, 2015, Pages 10-16
F. Rau, S. Hartl, S. Voss, M. Still, C. Hasse, D. Trimis
Determination of laminar burning velocities for lean low calorific H2/N2 and H2/CO/N2 gas mixtures
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 39, Issue 34, 20 November 2014, Pages 19810-19817
S. Voss, S. Hartl, C. Hasse
Dissertation: Flamelet/progress variable modelling and flame structure analysis of partially premixed flames
TU Bergakademie Freiberg
S. Hartl
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