Recognition Rules for the planning and recognition of courses and subjects

Course planning:

You can find courses to take in your semester abroad on our homepage. The relevant forms can be found here in the intranet. In the database MoveON, you can find all the partner universities that cooperate with the Faculty of Management and Technology, as well as universities that you can attend as a "Free Mover".

Our database lists all courses that have been recognised to date for the DBB TBB, TAB and IMM programmes. This overview of previously recognised courses are a good orientation, but they do not guarantee recognition, as course content can change from semester to semester. Please inform yourself at the university in question about the courses that they currently give, as well as the course content.

Database of previously recognised courses


The most important rules for the recognition of courses are:

  • The marks you achieve abroad are counted and recognized (according to the "Bavarian formula").
  • A subject that you have taken in Esslingen and in which you have written an exam cannot be taken abroad.
  • Subjects that are taken abroad cannot replace a required course in your programme.



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