Research question 1: Adaptive condition diagnosis and prognosis under variable loads (Luca Steinmann)
Due to its high adaptability, flexibility and resilience, matrix production places high demands on condition diagnosis and prognosis. Varying and unknown load profiles make it difficult to develop suitable methods. Initial approaches exist for forecasting future load profiles based on historical and current data, but condition forecasting under variable conditions remains a key challenge. Limited data quality, incomplete or censored data and uncertainty about future loads add to the problem.
The research approach aims to better understand and precisely predict the relationships between stress and degradation. One focus is on analyzing and integrating varying load profiles and overcoming data-related challenges. Approaches such as data augmentation and data generation are intended to expand the database and increase the robustness of the models in order to develop a holistic methodology for prediction considering variable load.
Research question 2: Adaptive condition diagnosis and prognosis with heterogeneous information (Moritz Müllersch?n)
The development of a smart factory grid poses specific challenges. In particular, the heterogeneity of information sources poses a central problem. The data is often highly dimensional, formatted differently and varies in terms of availability and quality. Examples of this are sensor and operating data, simulation results and physical models. This makes it considerably more difficult to combine and use this data for condition diagnosis and forecasting. Another obstacle is the lack of a comprehensive methodology for information fusion.
One research approach is to develop a hybrid model for information fusion that combines data-driven methods with physical and rule-based models. Methods are to be developed to compensate for the limited availability of data and to effectively integrate existing domain knowledge. By developing a standardized data framework for pre-processing and integrating heterogeneous information sources, the basis for a robust condition diagnosis and prognosis can be created.
Research question 3: Health management in a smart factory grid (Moritz Müllersch?n)
Health management deals with the continuous monitoring, analysis and optimization of the condition of production plants and processes and aims to ensure the availability and reliability of the system. In the context of the flexible and modular environment of a smart factory grid, this requires a high degree of adaptability.
The research approach aims to address health management in a smart factory grid as a complex optimization problem, as the complexity of production no longer allows health management using conventional methods. Important metrics here are costs, sustainability, productivity and many more. Predictive maintenance is intended to enable the automated generation of maintenance proposals in order to make precise and efficient maintenance decisions.
Further information on the entire Smart Factory Grids | DFG Research Impulse project can be found here:
Smart Factory Grids | DFG Research Impulse
(Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) Project-ID 528745080 – FIP 68)