Teaching and final theses

Prof. Zeiler and his team incorporate the topics studied in the Institute for Technical Reliability and Prognostics (IZP) directly into the teaching provided to the students by way of lectures, the accompanying lab. exercises, project work and student projects for final theses. The education and training received by the students always takes its lead from the current state of the art and the latest research so that the newest technologies and future trends can be taken into account. The students are equipped with important knowledge for their subsequent careers in science and industry. One example is the knowledge they acquire in relation to the condition diagnosis of technical systems using machine learning methods.


Teaching and final theses

Topics from Reliability Engineering & Prognostics and Health Management are offered as interdisciplinary courses in both Bachelor and Master programmes. Below is a selection of courses in which the IZP is involved:

  • Mechatronic Systems: Condition monitoring and condition diagnosis of technical systems in the Mechatronics B. Eng. programme
  • System design and simulation in the Automation Systems and Production Informatics B. Eng. programme
  • Reliability and technical diagnostics in the Mechatronics/Systems Engineering M. Eng. Programme.

Our wide variety of research projects means we are regularly able to offer exciting topics for projects and final theses. We are always looking for motivated students from all technical disciplines at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences who are interested in doing their final thesis with us. We also regularly need student assistants to help us with our work. We can offer an interesting and friendly working environment and the possibility to contribute and develop your own ideas. You will also have the opportunity to gain experience with the key industrial technologies of the future. We offer the following topics for final theses and positions as a student assistant:

  • Data analysis using machine learning / artificial intelligence
  • Condition Monitoring
  • Condition diagnosis and prognosis
  • Predictive Maintenance
  • Calculation of the reliability under variable loads
  • Experimental work on the test stands (designing, performing and evaluating experiments)
  • Construction, commissioning and extending test stands
  • Modelling and simulation


We offer a wide variety of topics to suit the personal preferences of the students - the spectrum ranges from working on theoretical or methodological problems through to compiling and implementing actual application scenarios. Have we aroused your interest in completing your final thesis or becoming a student assistant in our Institut? Then why not get in touch with us for an informal chat (ReliabilityAndPHM(at)hs-esslingen.de) so that we can tell you about our current topics.


Interested? Find out more! about our degree programmes

Your personal contactContact us

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Zeiler

Tel: +49 7161 679-1142
E-Mail: Peter.Zeiler@hs-esslingen.de
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