Work on interdisciplinary projects commissioned by the industry.

Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)Design and Development in Automotive and Mechanical Engineering

If you are interested in Mechanical Engineering come to our university which is located in the very heart of the automotive industry, students benefit greatly from the close links to the technological and industrial leaders situated in the area, such as Bosch, Daimler, Mercedes, Audi, Festo, Porsche, Mahle Behr, and Trumpf. These are especially important when it comes to master¡¯s thesis placement.

  • Campus City Centre

  • Period in semester3 Semester

  • Languages of instructionEnglish

  • Application PeriodsNovember 2 - March 31

  • Admission Requirements  Bachelor¡¯s Degree in Automotive or Mechanical Engineering

Apply as of 2 November!

Content Information

Some students have the possibility to work on interdisciplinary projects commissioned by the industry. Scientific work and the application of innovative
engineering methods are taught with team projects. Also social competence and soft skills are on the curriculum.

Tip: Click on the modules for more information.

1. Semester

Numerical Methods in CAD

Numerical Methods in CAD

Module Numerical Methods in CAD


a) CAE Methods and Algorithms 2 ECTS
b) Numerical Mathematics 2 ECTS


  • Advanced topics of matrix calculus
  • Analysis of functions of several variables (especially optimisation)
  • Iterative methods for solving linear equation systems
  • Power series, Taylor series, Fourier series
  • Nonlinear equations and nonlinear equation systems
  • Numerical methods for initial value problems of ordinary differential equations

Examination Forms and Prerequisites for Awarding ECTS Points
Written examination (90 mins); graded

Design and Development 1

Design and Development 1

Module Design and Development 1


a) Design Methodology Case Study 2 ECTS
b) Ecologic and Economic Design 2 ECTS
c) Reliability 2 ECTS

a) Design Methodology Case Study: Design constraints, QCD requirements, design and development Team, breakdown structures, functional decomposition of technical systems, product design specification, V ¨C Cycle, tender and project cost management, change and configuration management, safety management and engineering
b) Ecologic and Economic Design: Resources, future resource availability, negative effects of industrial processes and products on humans and the environment, environmental burden of disease in Europe, EU directives on environmental protection (design engineering view), ECO©\design methods including Luttrop's "Golden Rules and additions", ecological design and economic design ©\ no area of conflict!
c) Reliability: Definition, significance and overview of reliability, techniques in the product development and in the product life cycle; statistics, probability theory, life time distribution, reliability of systems;

Examination Forms and Prerequisites for Awarding ECTS Points

  • Design Methodology Case Study: Certificate
  • Ecologic and Economic Design: Written exam 90 minutes (closed)
  • Reliability: Written exam 60 minutes (open)
    6 ECTS


    Module Dynamics DDM


    a) Multi Body Systems 2 ECTS
    b) Simulation of Multi Body Systems 2 ECTS


    a) Multi Body Systems:
    Description of finite rotations, rotation matrix, speed and acceleration, forces and constraints, equations of motion, state©\space equations, numerical solutions, user defined force elements.
    b) Simulation of Multi Body Systems:
    Introduction to Matlab Symbolic toolbox and Simcape. Modelling and Simulation of different examples with SimMechanics, e.g.: mechanical conveyor, hydraulic excavator, Modelling and calibration of subsystems of ¡°Esslingen Driving Simulator¡± and system integration in group work.

    Examination Forms and Prerequisites for Awarding ECTS Points
    Multi Body Systems: Written exam, 90 minutes, graded
    Simulation of Multi Body Systems: Group projects with presentations, not graded

    4 ECTS
    Integrity of Structures

    Integrity of Structures

    Integrity of Structures


    a) Integrity of Structures 4 ECTS

    b) Failure Analysis 2 ECTS


    a) Integrity of Structures: Advanced concepts for the life©\time assessment under variable amplitude loading: Nominal stress concept for cyclic loading, structural stress concept for cyclic loading, local stress concept for cyclic loading, local strain concept for cyclic loading, fracture mechanics concept Application of numerical tools for the life time prediction Selected topics / ongoing research topics: e.g. very high cycle fatigue (VHCF); fatigue behaviour of composite materials; Influence of edge conditions on fatigue behaviour, multiaxial fatigue... Laboratory exercises: Non©\destructive testing, experimental determination of material and component flow curve, Neuber`s Law, Masing behaviour, local stress©\strain loops, test drives with strain gauges, collecting data for load time history, numerical life time assessment

    b) Failure Analysis: Historical failures, typical failures at car structures, reason for failures, concepts for component optimization, definition and classification of failures, methods of failure analysis, characteristics of failures under static and cyclic mechanical, thermal and chemical loading, practical case studies and exercises

    Examination Forms and Prerequisites for Awarding ECTS Points

    Written exam, 120 minutes, graded

    Lab reports and lab tests

    6 ECTS
    Vibration and Acoustics 1

    Vibration and Acoustics 1

    Module Vibration and Acoustics 1


    a) Vibration and Acoustics Measurement 2 ECTS

    b) Vibration and Acoustics Measurement 2 ECTS

    a) Vibration and Acoustics Measurement: Vibration measurement by mechanical means, optical and laser basics, vibration measurement by interferometric and holographic means, acoustic noise measurement, analysis of dynamic signals.
    b) Laboratory Vibration and Acoustics Measurement: Introduction and handling of measurement equipment, basics of interferometry, FRF measurement on an automotive component, order tracking measurement on a car, electronic speckle interferometry (ESPI), laser vibrometry.

    Examination Forms and Prerequisites for Awarding ECTS Points
    Written exam, 90 minutes, graded
    Lab reports and tests, not graded

    4 ECTS
    Advanced Strength of Materials

    Advanced Strength of Materials

    Module Advanced Strength of Materials


    a) Lightweight Design 4 ECTS
    b) Advanced Finite Element Method 2 ECTS

    a) Lightweight Design: Principles and objectives of lightweight design; One©\dimensional members (Bars and Beams); Plates and shells; Stability problems; Selected examples of lightweight design
    b) Advanced Finite Element Method: Theoretical background of FEM, fundamental equations, numerical accuracy and convergence, applications and influence of boundary conditions, nonlinearity (material); lab exercises

    Examination Forms and Prerequisites for Awarding ECTS Points
    Advanced Strength of Materials: Written exam, 120 minutes, graded
    Advanced Finite Element Method: Individual semester project, not graded

    6 ECTS

    2. Semester

    30 ECTS
    Advanced Materials Technology

    Advanced Materials Technology

    Module Advanced Materials Technology


    a) Advanced Engineering Materials 2 ECTS
    b) Surface Technology 2 ECTS
    c) Composite Materials 2 ECTS


    a) Advanced Engineering Materials:

    Car Body Technology: Car Body Parts, Deep Drawing, Cutting, Hemming, Extruding, Integrated Approach

    Sheet Materials: Strengthening, Production of Sheet Materials, Properties

    High Strength Steel Sheets: Phases, Mild Steels, IF©\Steels, BH©\Steels, Micro Alloyed Steels, Multiphase Steels, Press Hardening Steels, Recent Developments

    Aluminium Sheets: Wrought Alloys, Strengthening Mechanism, Naturally Hard Alloys (5xxx), Precipitation Hardenable Alloys (6xxx), Superplasticity, Aluminium/Steel©\Mix Bodywork

    Tailored Components: Tailored Blanks, Partial Press Hardening, Multilayer Sheets, Fusion Sheets

    Plastic Behaviour: Characteristic Values, Anisotropy, Yield Locus, Plastic Behaviour, Forming Limits, Wrinkle Formation

    Method Planning: Material Flow, Process Chains, Derivation of Method from Component Geometry, Drawing Method

    b) Surface Technology: Basics in corrosion, thermal coating, CVD, PVD, electrochemical deposition, corrosion protection of stainless steel and light metals, leak, sealing, dip coating, design of the corrosion protection for all the components of passenger cars, testing methods

    c) Composites materials: Understanding the concept of fiber-reinforced composites. Prediction of elastic properties of laminae. Understanding the macromechanics of a lamina. Understanding the macromechanics of a laminate. Solution of design problems

    Examination Forms and Prerequisites for Awarding ECTS Points

    Written exam, 120 minutes, graded

    6 ECTS
    Project Work

    Project Work

    Module Project Work


    Project Work 8 ECTS


    Independent work on a given individual engineering task in a project team consisting of several students (usually 3 to 4 students) under the guidance and support of project supervisors.

    Writing of a scientific project report.

    Weekly discussion/coaching of the project progress with the project supervisor.

    Within the framework of the seminar: Presentation of project results.

    Examination Forms and Prerequisites for Awarding ECTS Points:
    a) Group report
    b) Presentation in a group (20 min.) + discussion (10 min.)

    8 ECTS
    Design and Development 2

    Design and Development 2

    Module Design and Development 2 DDM


    a) Advanced CAD 2 ECTS

    b) Design of Experiments 2 ECTS

    a) Advanced CAD: General introduction in the latest Revision CREO from PTC with practices; Learning of special advanced features of a CAD system; Learning of special advanced modules of a CAD system, like sheet metal, surface, mechanism,cabling and piping. Several programing tools and possibilities; Criteria for choosing a CAD System; Subassembly and skeleton technology; CAD and Internet; Data exchange, direct and indirect data exchange; Many practice by using the CAD©\System by working out examples; Theoretical background of CAD©\System modules.

    b) Design of Experiments: General introduction into DOE, differences to experience©\based test planning, execution and results of a DOE; Attempts plan: selection parameters to be investigated and result sizes, establishing the testing area; Test plan designs: Overview DOE designs (factorial, response surface, mixture, optimal designs), selection of designs; Creating designs with a DOE software tool; Specific variables in the DOE: randomization, blocks replication, resolution / confounding; Evaluation of experimental design results: effects and effect size, interactions, statistical tests in the DOE, review the validity; Optimization calculation, prediction and confirmation tests: graphical representation of the effects of parameters, numerical optimization, predict outcomes, evaluation of test results; Application of the DOE to some practical examples as well to a final exercise with all the main points mentioned

    Examination Forms and Prerequisites for Awarding ECTS Points
    Advanced CAD: Several attestations, graded
    Design of Experiments: Written exam 60 min, graded

    4 ECTS
    Design for Manufacturing

    Design for Manufacturing

    Module Design for Manufacturing DDM


    a) Production©\oriented Product Design 6 ECTS
    b) Product Life Cycle Management 2 ECTS

    a) Production©\oriented Product Design:
    Part 1: Root cause investigation: root cause investigation on failing products with the aim to identify failures in production oriented product design, 4 to 6 cases, ambivalent data situation, insufficient information, without obviously correct answers and a ticking clock, which requires fast actions, inter©\cultural investigation teams.
    Part 2: Basics (process, weldability of materials and design) for relevant joining technologies (e.g. laser beam welding, resistance welding, friction welding, ultrasonic welding, mechanical joining, adhesive bonding), methods of quality assurancein production, health and safety instruction, industrial applications, practical laboratory
    Part 3: Textile techniques, composite design, production of preforms, thermoplastic and thermoset processes, organic sheet
    moulding, taping, resin transfer moulding, reactive injection moulding, polymer press processes, repairing of composite
    materials, joining of polymer materials
    b) Product Life Cycle Management: Understanding sustainability basics and the method LCA Life Cycle Assessment, trends in industry and society, training and application LCA software GaBi; executing an LCA in teams

    Examination Forms and Prerequisites for Awarding ECTS Points
    Written exam, 120 minutes, graded
    Product Life Cycle Management: Individual semester project

    8 ECTS
    Vibration and Acoustics 2

    Vibration and Acoustics 2

    Vibration and Acoustics 2


    a) Vibrations 2 ECTS
    b) NVH in Automotive Systems 1 ECTS
    c) Computer©\Aided Vibration Analysis 1 ECTS


    c) Vibrations: Introduction to the basic theory of vibrations; practical application to typical structural noise and shake problems; principles of Fourier analysis and order tracking; multiple degree of freedom systems.
    d) NVH In Automotive Systems: Definition of NVH; acoustic and vibration problems in vehicle systems.
    e) Computer©\Aided Vibration Analysis: Simulation of practical vibration problems (CAT).

    Examination Forms and Prerequisites for Awarding ECTS Points
    Written exam, 90 minutes, graded
    Laboratory reports and tests, not graded

    4 ECTS

    3. Semester

    30 ECTS
    Master Thesis and Soft Skills

    Master Thesis and Soft Skills

    Master Thesis and Soft Skills DDM


    a) Soft Skills 3 ECTS
    b) Master Thesis 24 ECTS
    c) Defence 3 ECTS

    a) Soft Skills: Communication: Sender/receiver model, levels of communication, perception and interpretation, NLP Presentation: Generation of presentations, advanced presentation techniques
    Teambuilding: Individual types according to MBTI, Team Set©\Up
    Management and Leadership: Aims, Missions, Visions, Values, Corporate Governance, Motivation, Leadership Competence
    b) Master Thesis: Constitution of project structure (time schedule, work packages), realisation of given task with scientific methods and within a given timeframe, documentation and evaluation of results
    c) Defence: Presentation and defence of results

    Examination Forms and Prerequisites for Awarding ECTS Points
    a) Group work with test, oral presentation 30 minutes
    b) Thesis report
    c) Presentation and oral examination , 30 minutes

    30 ECTS

    Career Perspectives


    Our graduates typically continue to a range of occupations from middle to top management. Approximately 95% of our students are international: about 50% of our Automotive System and Design and Development in Automotive and Mechanical Engieering alumni live in Germany after graduation. The yearly starting salary of our graduates is, on average, between 50,000€ and 70,000€.

    Graduates of the program usually aim to work in the following areas:

    • the automotive industry and its component suppliers;
    • manufacturer of machines and equipment,
    • the mechanical engineering industry;
    • the process engineering industry;
    • and engineering consultancy.
    You can work in the automotive industry and its component suppliers among other areas.




    Tuition & Fees:

    Tuition for the International M. Eng. Master Programmes is €1500 for non-EU applicants (per semester). German and EU applicants only have to pay the enrolment fee. Additional fees and general cost of living apply. More information on the fees can be found on General information about studying and living in Esslingen

    Take a look at our application packages  and FAQ.

    Zwei ÀÏ»¢»úÓÎÏ·_ÀÏ»¢»úÓÎÏ·ÏÂÔØ@de lernen an einem Buch
    1. Check the requirements

      You can apply from November to March each year to begin your Esslingen journey in September. Requirements: Bachelor¡¯s degree, Proof of English proficiency, German language test: A2 level before the end of the second semester, APS-Certificate if the degree is from China, India, Mongolia, and Vietnam, Two recommendations, Curriculum Vitae. Please, remember to check the additional requirements for each specific programme.


    2. Apply Online

      Application is made through our?application portal, which gives you full flexibility to complete your application on your individual time plan.


    3. Upload your documents

      Check that you have all the necessary documents on the Checklist and upload them electronically. Once you have completed the application forms, you should submit your application by clicking the "Submit" button on the last page. Please note that your recommender can submit their recommendation after you have submitted your application.


    4. Congratulations

      Upon successfully reviewing your application, you will be informed of your status before the end of May.



    This awaits you

    The Design and Development in Automotive and Mechanical Engineering program is focused on the design and development of complex engineering systems.
    It aims to prepare students for a challenging job in the core areas of design and development within the globalized mechanical engineering and automotive engineering industry. Strong focus is placed on the ability to communicate confidently in the international environment of modern industry.

    The master¡®s degree aims to prepare students for a challenging job in the core areas of design and development.

    Between academics and

    Design and Development in Automotive and Mechanical Engineering was not just a challenging but rewarding study course that bridged the gap between academics and industries, but also one that closes the gap between the different world cultures. Studying together with a diverse group of nationalities was an incredibly refreshing and unique experience, which definitely opens up doors to the plethora of opportunities in the world.

    Isabell Koh, Alumni
    Alumni Isabell Koh describes the master Design and Development in Automotive and Mechanical Engineering as challenging but rewarding.

    What distinguishes usGood reasons for studying at Esslingen University

    Modern labs

    The high-tech laboratories cover the wide range of regulation and communication technology.

    Support guaranteed

    The Academic Welcome Day and Student Ambassadors make starting university life much easier.


    In joint projects with other students, you will develop soft skills such as teamwork and networking. (including the "Soft Skills" module).

    Business contacts

    You will benefit from the numerous collaborations between Esslingen University of Applied Sciences and globally operating companies.


    The content of the study programme is close to the new technical developments, such as Dynamics, Design and Dev. 1 and 2, Vibrations and Acoustics 1 and 2.

    PhD to follow

    Upon completion of the Master¡¯s programme, a doctoral thesis at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences is possible in some cases.


    Interested? Learn More! Application possible soon