Recruitment Looking for bright minds? Our graduates are your top performers of tomorrow!

Industry Day - Meet your Future

Are you looking for engineers or business specialists?

At the Industry Day, the annual career fair at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences, around 80 global, national and regional companies present their career offers. Companies have the opportunity to get in touch with students from the fields of technology and business and provide information about practical semesters, final theses, job vacancies and their (technical) products and services.

The next Industry Day will take place on Wednesday, 14 May 2025.

Would you like to be added to the list of interested parties for the Industry Day 2025?
Then please get in touch with us!

Verena Bosler
Phone. +49 (0) 711 397-3351

Industry Fair 2023

Become an exhibitor now!

Present yourself at the industry fair on October 24, 2024 from 10:30 - 14:00 at the G?ppingen campus.

The registration documents will be available soon.

Organisation Office for the Industry Fair:
Tinoversum GmbH

Contact: Magdalena K?hler, Constantin Fetzer

IT-Company Day 2024

Are you looking for IT experts?

Every year, small and medium-sized companies from the IT sector come to Esslingen University of Applied Sciences for the IT SME Day. They are invited by the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology to present themselves to students at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences.

The next IT-Mittelstandstag 2024 will take place on 13 November 2024.

Companies have the following opportunities, among others:

    They can present themselves with their profile and provide information about their company portfolio.

    They can also offer students internships and theses and highlight opportunities for starting a career.
    They can make direct contact with students.

The IT-Mittelstandstag is organized by Wirtschaftsf?rderung Region Stuttgart GmbH in cooperation with Softwarezentrum B?blingen-Sindelfingen e.V. and the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences.

Dr. Sabine Stützle-Leinmüller
Wirtschaftsf?rderung der Region Stuttgart GmbH

The IT-Company Day is organized by the Business Development Agency for the Stuttgart Region GmbH in collaboration with the Boeblingen-Sindelfingen Software Centre e.V. and the Faculty of Information Technology at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences.

Learn interesting facts, exchange ideas on the topics of application and career with alumni of Esslingen University of Applied Sciences, at application portfolio checks or in workshops and more!

Students at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences can find all the important information on the intranet!

Companies interested in the career days or career week should contact the following e-mail address:

Career Centre

Position your brand with us!

Esslingen University of Applied Sciences offers you the opportunity to position your brand and your company values.

You can reach the following target groups at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences with advertisements and promotions:

  • Students in general and in the faculties
  • Professors and university employees
  • Graduates and alumni
  • Interested people from the cities of Esslingen and G?ppingen who are located on the respective campus

Take the opportunity to anchor brand identities with the above-mentioned target groups and convey your brand messages. We offer you a platform to trigger direct and indirect recruiting.


contact persons:

Promotion booths on Campus

Esslingen University of Applied Sciences lets advertising space on all its campuses.

What spaces can be rented for advertising?

Rental space is available on the city centre and hilltop campuses in the respective foyer in front of the aula. There are also spaces to rent on the city centre campus next to building 1. In Goeppingen, the inner courtyard of building 4 can be used. The lessor is Esslingen University of Applied Sciences.

Further spaces can be rented directly in front of the cafeterias (Mensa) on the city centre and hilltop campuses via the  Stuttgart Students Union .

Which faculties are located on the different campuses?

Faculties on the city centre campus: Science, Energy and Building Services, Mechanical and Systems Engineering, Mobility and Technology;
Number of students: around 2,300

Faculties on the hilltop campus, Flandernstrasse: Computer Science and EngineeringManagement and Technology, Social Work, Education and Nursing Science;
Number of students: around 2,600

Faculties on the Goeppingen Campus: Management and Technology, Mechanical and Systems Engineering, Mobility and Technology
Number of students: around 1,200


What types of offer are allowed?

The ads must have something to do with the students directly. Stands with the following are not allowed:

  • offers to do with sales closures
  • financial services by banks or other
  • gambling or draws
  • material from political associations or organisations
  • ads for alcohol or tobacco

Info stands by members of the University (students, faculties or institutes) are free of charge.

How to rent advertising space
  • First, check in the University Calendar to make sure that the students are at the University for the required dates. Some dates may lie within holidays or the examination period.   
  • After the application has been checked, the applicant will receive a rental agreement which must be signed and returned to the e-mail address below at least two weeks before the planned advertising period begins.
  • Finally, the applicant receives the countersigned rental agreement together with a bill which has to be paid at least five days in advance.

Claudio Saccà


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