Study Exchange at Esslingen University - join us!


At Esslingen University, you can study at any of 3 campuses, in 11 faculties and 25 bachelor's degree programmes.

Exchange students apply for a specific exchange programme
The PDF semester dates of the different programmes are important for your planning.

Programme Short description Faculty
ERASMUS+ For students from our European partner institutions at all departments at Esslingen University Computer Sciences and Engineering
Mechanical and Systems Engineering
Mobility and Technology
Science, Energie and Building Services
Social Work, Education and Nursing Sciences
Global For students from our Non-European partner institutions at all departments at Esslingen University Computer Sciences and Engineering
Mechanical and Systems Engineering
Mobility and Technology
Science, Energie and Building Services
Social Work, Education and Nursing Sciences
INTAP (International Automotive Engineering Programme) A special programme for students of Automotive/Mechanical Engineering from some of our partner institutions Mechanical and Systems Engineering
Mobility and Technology
KEEP (Kettering Automotive Engineering Programme) A special programme for students of Automotive/Mechanical Engineering from Kettering University Mechanical and Systems Engineering
Mobility and Technology
Double Degree Programme
For students from CDHAW at Tongji University, China Management and Technology
Mechanical and Systems Engineering
Mobility and Technology         
Science Energie and Building Services
Double Degree Programme ITESM For students from Tec de Monterrey, Mexico Management and Technology
Mechanical and Systems Engineering
Double Degree Programme JAMK For students from Jyv?skyl? University of Applied Sciences, Finland Mechanical and Systems Engineering
Computer Sciences and Engineering
Double Degree Programme Gannon Univ. For students from Gannon University, USA Computer Sciences and Engineering
Management and Technology
Double Degree Programme University of Zaragoza For students from University of Zaragoza, Spain Management and Technology

Nomination and application deadline

Programme Winter Semester Summer Semester
ERASMUS/Global Nomination by 15 May
Application by 30 May
Nomination by 15 November
Application by 30 November
INTAP Nomination by 15 April
Application by 30 May
KEEP         - Nomination by 15 November
Application by 30 November
Double Degrees Nomination by 15 May
Application by 30 May

Application process

  • You have to be nominated by your home university in order to take part in the programme (except Freemovers).
  • Language prerequisites:
    • English proficiency  (for participation in English taught courses): Level B1 e.g. telc, CPE or TOEFL IBT 43-71, TOEFL ITP 460-542, TOEIC 550 or CET (China) 6 or IELTS 4.0-5.0; Exception for DD students- Level B2 e.g. telc, CPE or TOEFL IBT 72-91, TOEFL ITP 543-627,TOEIC 785-935, CET 6 (China) , IELTS 5.0-6.5
    • German proficiency (for participation in German taught courses): Level B1 e.g. Goethe Institute, exception for DD students- B2 e.g. Goethe Institute
    • Both language prerequisites are not simultaneously compulsory.
  • Please use the online application
  • Please use the most recent version of Firefox or Google Chrome
  • First you have to register, then you can fill in the required information and upload the following documents:
  • Copy of passport / national ID card
  • Picture (to be used for student ID card)
  • PDF Course Selection Form - this form is mandatory for all exchange students (please download before you fill the form)
    You must choose at least 12 ECTS (including 4 ECTS for German language and 2 ECTS for German history)
  • CV/resume (in English or German)
  • Transcript of Records from your home university (in English or German)
  • Proof of language knowledge (English or German), depending on language of instruction of the selected courses
  • Online Learning Agreement (OLA) - these instructions are only mandatory for Erasmus Students
  • Student residence rooms can be rented through the Student Services. Further information can be found under Accommodation.

Students applying for a Double Degree Programme: please ask the coordinator at your home university for specific application requirements and necessary prerequisites.

What happens next?

  • After the application deadline, the IO will forward your complete application to your faculty's international coordinator. Once your application has been approved, the IO will send your admission and some first information to you.
  • If you have applied for a room in a dormitory, the ÀÏ»¢»úÓÎÏ·_ÀÏ»¢»úÓÎÏ·ÏÂÔØ@denwerk Stuttgart will send you information about arrival and your room.

What else do I have to prepare?

  • On the website of the Federal Foreign Office of Germany, you can find out if you need a visa to enter Germany or not.
  • Students who do not need a visa can enter Germany with a passport (EU citizens also with ID Card). You will apply for a residence permit during the orientation programme in Germany.
  • All students who need a visa to enter Germany should contact the German Embassy in their home country for further information about the visa application.
  • Health insurance is required in order to be enrolled as an exchange student. We recommend a public German health insurance which you can take out during the orientation programme with support of the International Office.
  • Students from EU countries are exempt from this requirement provided that they can show a valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).
  • Information about your options can be found in the Information sheet "Health Insurance".
  • Additionally, we highly recommend bringing a general third party liability insurance with you.

Please make sure to arrive on the official arrival day, because participation in our orientation week is mandatory!

Module / course descriptions

ERASMUS / Global And Freemover

List of English-taught courses and lectures

Moduldescriptions of German-taught courses

  • You can choose courses from the regular course programme in German and/or in English.
  • A combination of German and English lectures is possible (but not classes from special programmes or the Graduate School).
  • Prerequisites:
    • English proficiency  (for participation in English taught courses): Level B1 (TOEFL IBT 71, TOEIC Listening and Reading Test 550, IELTS 4.5, telc B1, CET (China) level 6)
    • German proficiency (for participation in German taught courses): Level B1
    • Both language prerequisites are not simultaneously compulsory.
  • Please use the Learning Agreement from your home university.
  • Changes in course selection: Please coordinate any changes to your course selection with your faculty in Esslingen using the Changes in Course Selection Form (download the form) and send it to: incoming(at) within 4 weeks of your arrival in Esslingen.
  • Make sure to choose courses which are offered on the same campus.
  • Choose at least 12 ECTS (including 4 ECTS for German language and 2 ECTS for German history).


There is a fixed list of courses especially designed for the INTAP / KEEP programme, which you can find in the INTAP brochure and the KEEP brochure of the Faculty of Automotive Engineering.

Double Degree Programmes

If you are interested in the module descriptions of our Double Degree Programmes, please contact the respective coordinator:

CDHAW Automotive Engineering/Service: Prof. Hermann L¨¹cken

CDHAW Building Services: Prof. Thomas Rohrbach

CDHAW Mechatronics: Prof. J¨¹rgen Minuth

CDHAW Engineering Management: Prof. Rainer Elste

JAMK (International) Mechanical Engineering: Prof. Steffen Greuling

JAMK Mechatronics/Precision Engineering (Mechanical and Production Engineering): Prof. Wolf-Dieter Lehner

ITESM International Industrial Management: Prof. Uta Mathis

ITESM Mechanical Engineering: Prof. Matthias Deckert

ITESM Mechatronics : Prof. Matthias Deckert

Gannon International Industrial Management: Prof. Uta Mathis

Gannon Information Technology: Prof. Kai Warendorf

Additional Courses for exchange students

Additionally, to the regular courses in the departments, the International Office offers the courses "German as a Foreign Language" and "German History and Culture".

Grading system (all programmes)

PDF Grading system

Where will I live during my semester abroad?

We highly recommend that you stay in one of the residences run by the ÀÏ»¢»úÓÎÏ·_ÀÏ»¢»úÓÎÏ·ÏÂÔØ@denwerk Stuttgart. If you apply in time, you have very good chances of getting a room. Rooms in residence can only be rented for a full semester, i.e. either 1 September - 28 February or 1 March - 31 August.

Information about Housing in student RESIDENCES

There are several housing options for students in Esslingen and G?ppingen. You will get a room in the city in which you are studying, so please make sure to apply for the correct residence. 

Your contact for reservations and any questions related to housing is ÀÏ»¢»úÓÎÏ·_ÀÏ»¢»úÓÎÏ·ÏÂÔØ@denwerk Stuttgart, a public Student Service Organisation. You can find the link for housing application on the leaflets, as well as the most important information for your programme:

Accommodation Information ERASMUS/Global, Freemover and Double Degree

Accommodation Information INTAP

Accommodation Information KEEP

Information about the RESIDENCES

Esslingen - Geschwister-Scholl-Strasse

Esslingen - Am Rossneckar I

Esslingen - Am Rossneckar II

G?ppingen - Studentendorf

You can also look for private accommodation, if you prefer. But please consider that the private housing situation in Esslingen, G?ppingen and the surrounding region is quite expensive and scarce, especially when a new semester starts.

WHat does a study abroad semester cost and how can i finance it?

Living expenses

Exchange students do not have to pay tuition at Esslingen University. How much money you spend during your study abroad semester depends largely on your style of living. The following list gives you a rough orientation (last update July 2024):

Semester fee for "ÀÏ»¢»úÓÎÏ·_ÀÏ»¢»úÓÎÏ·ÏÂÔØ@denwerk"

116,50 € per semester

Contribution for excursions (all exchange students except freemovers)

20 € per semester

Residence rent

approx. 315 - 380 € per month

Health insurance (not for students with EHIC)

approx. 135 € per month

Public transportation ticket (Deutschland-Ticket)

approx. 58 € per semester

Miscellaneous (minimum for food, clothing, leisure etc.) e.g. lunch at student cafeteria

approx. 300-400 €  per month, approx. 3-5 € per meal

Additional costs for freemover students: administration fee and contribution for support programme and extracurricular courses of approx. 575 € per semester.

Further advice
  • Students who do not need a visa will be required to show proof of their finances (min. 992 € per month) when applying for their residence permit. The same applies to students holding a visa when they need to extend their visa. The International Office will give you further information during orientation.
  • Some students ( e.g. from China, India) have to open a so-called blocked bank account before applying for their visa and deposit the above-mentioned amount into this account. You will receive further information at the German Embassy.
  • All other students will open a German bank account during the orientation programme which can be used for regular payments, such as residence rent, health insurance etc. You will receive a debit card for withdrawing money.
  • There are places in Germany where payment by credit card is not possible and withdrawing money by credit card is quite expensive. In order to have cash available, we recommend to bring about 500 € cash for the first few days. Afterwards, the easiest way is to transfer money from your home country to your German bank account and withdraw it here with your debit card.


Usually, you have to apply for scholarships in your home country. Therefore, we recommend that you ask your home university which financial support is available for you.

For students from EU-partner universities (ERASMUS+):

ERASMUS+ is an EU-funded programme supporting mobility between European universities. Therefore, students are only eligible for this grant if their home university has been awarded an ERASMUS charta. Application always has to be made at the home university.

For students from non-EU partner universities  (Baden-W¨¹rttemberg Scholarship)

The Baden-W¨¹rttemberg Scholarship is open to exchange students from certain non-European partner universities. Please ask your home university if you are eligible for the Baden-W¨¹rttemberg Scholarship.

Exchange students have to be nominated by their home university at the latest by 15 May for the next academic year (winter semester and summer semester).

Please see our information sheet for further details.

Diversity and Inclusion

Esslingen University is actively committed to opposing discrimination and promoting inclusion.The university's Agenda for Action has the expressed objective of enabling and supporting the equal, comprehensive and effective participation of all university members. This naturally includes our exchange students.

One of the university¡¯s main concerns is to provide professional assistance to people with special needs, such as specific disabilities, health conditions or earning difficulties, in demonstrating and further enhancing their skills.

Help you can get
  • Access to Esslingen University facilities

Access to all university and campus facilities is guaranteed.

  • Adjustments to examination formats

In certain cases, students with special needs may be given extended examination time and/or rest breaks during exams.

  • Technical aid for blind or visually impaired students

Use of assistive technology in exams.

  • Media Accessibility

As a public sector body as defined in Directive (EU) 2016/2102, Esslingen University strives to provide barrier-free access to its website in accordance with the stipulations of the Federal Equality for Persons with Disabilities Act (BGG) and the Barrier-free IT Regulations (BITV 2.0) to implement Directive (EU) 2016/2102.

- Accessibility statement (in German)

- Video in sign language

- Information in plain language (in German)

People to contact

Any student who needs support or would like to contribute their ideas on how to support and promote inclusive structures at the university is welcome to get in touch with:

Inclusion Officer at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr. Phil. Nina K?lsch-Bunzen

Faculty of Social Work, Education and Nursing Sciences

Prof. Dr. Christopher Schmidt

Faculty of Social Work, Education and Nursing Sciences

Additional services offered by ÀÏ»¢»úÓÎÏ·_ÀÏ»¢»úÓÎÏ·ÏÂÔØ@denwerk Stuttgart

Interested? Find out more! about our degree programmes

Your personal contactContact us

Incoming Student Mobility (Free mover)

Esther Ndom¨¦


Kremena Daneva