Our History

Esslingen University of Applied Sciences can look back on a dynamic history – our roots go back to the 19th century.

Esslingen Technical Polytechnic


Founding of the "School of Mechanical Engineering" at the Royal School of Construction in Stuttgart

The School of Construction was originally located in part of the former royal stables, whence the name "Stall" (stable) for part of the University today.


Royal-Wuerttemberg School of Mechanical Engineering in Esslingen

1914 marked the founding of Esslingen Technical University. In this year, the "School of Mechanical Engineering" moved from the Royal School of Construction in Stuttgart to Esslingen.


Esslingen Technical University of Applied Sciences

In 1971, the Esslingen State School of Engineering was renamed Esslingen Technical Polytechnic, then in 1975, it became the Esslingen Technical University of Applied Sciences.

Esslingen University of Applied Social Sciences


Founding of the "Social Women’s School of the Swabian Women’s Association", Stuttgart

The inauguration took place on 15th September, 1917. The founding was made possible by a grant from Queen Charlotte of 10,000 marks. Thanks to generous endowments, the founding capital was raised to 25,000 marks. As with the School of Mechanical Engineering, the Women’s School was founded during the First World War.


Higher Polytechnic for Social Work

1963 was an important year for the Social Women’s School as, together with the Women Youth Leaders’ Seminar, it received the status "Higher Polytechnic" with the name "Higher Polytechnic for Social Work" and " Higher Polytechnic for Women Youth Leaders.


Esslingen University of Applied Sciences for Social Work

In April 1974, the University of Applied Sciences moved, with its 303 students, from Stuttgart to Esslingen, to the location that had originally been intended for the University of Education but was not used by them.  The inauguration of the "Hilltop Campus" was celebrated in May 1974. The campus has a double symbolic meaning:  on the one hand, it represents the recent history of Esslingen University of Applied Sciences, on the other, its architecture is a fitting illustration of the ideas about education that were prevalent in its early years.

2006: Merger of the two Universities of Applied Sciences to Esslingen University of Applied Sciences

Further Information

Esslingen University of Applied Sciences Chronicle (DE)


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