Sommer Blockseminar "Intensive Technical Knowledge"

Die Fakult?t Wirtschaft und Technik bietet regelm??ig einen Vollzeit-Kurs in den Semesterferien zum Thema "Technisches Wissen/Intensive Technical Knowledge" für internationale Management 老虎机游戏_老虎机游戏下载@de an. Wir bieten die Vorlesungen im Online Format über Webex und Moodle an. Auch die Prüfungen finden online statt. Die weiteren Informationen zum Blockseminar sind alle in englischer Sprache.

Timetable 2025:

1. Introduction session: 30th of June (via Webex)
2. Self learning time: starting 1st of July
3. Live online exercises: starting 14th of July
4. Online exam: 18th of July, 25th of July and 1st of August

Our block seminar is quite similar to a summer school and is designed for international students who have taken few or no technical courses so far, but are pursuing a technical business degree or who need technical knowledge for their future professional career. This seminar is fully funded by the German Exchange Service (DAAD) and therefore, free of charge. However, please notice that your registration for this programme is binding and your participation, once registered is obligatory.

For students from our partner universities in Gannon, USA, Tec de Monterrey, Mexico and Zaragoza, Spain the block seminar is mandatory. The seminar provides the technical knowledge they need to achieve their double degree in International Industrial Management in Esslingen.

The majority of our participants are international students from all over the world. Therefore, all courses are taught in English.

Jakov Cordas from Bjelovar University of Applied Sciences in Bjelovar, Hungary, had a great experience in our block seminar:

"The winter block seminar was an interesting experience which showed me how much I know or don't know about material science and processing, statics and international exchange. The lecturers, Mr Hoover and Ms Bot-Schulz, approached the current problem of Zoom-lectures with much care and creativity using every tool at their disposal to make our learning as easy and effective as possible. I'm more than grateful  for their effort. Materials that were used in lectures (presentation, pdf) were very useful to me. I can confidently recommend this block seminar to anyone who does not have an engineering background, but also to non-native English speakers: I think this seminar is an excellent 'learning tool' to improve your English skills."

Natalee Stinebiser from Gannon University, USA, took part in the seminar:

"The summer block seminar of Material Science/Processing and Statics was an eye-opening experience. Through this, I had the opportunity to learn more about subjects that I did not have much knowledge about in a short amount of time and how they can be applied to my studies as a business student. I believe that the professors, Mr. Hoover and Ms. Bot-Schulz, were very creative in how they approached the online classes, especially with the COVID-19 pandemic, and quite helpful when we had questions regarding the subject matter and examinations. They also had an easy system, where we could access the class materials prior to the lecture and then ask questions during class time. I would recommend this to students if they are looking to learn a lot of information in a short amount of time!"

Alonso Sasagawa, University of Lima, Peru, shares his experience:

"It was a pleasure to be part of this course. Both lecturers, were such nice instructors, very understanding even when we were not the brightest students, I really appreciated it. As for the content, it was exhaustive, especially the Material Science and Manufacturing Technology courses. Finally, I think this kind of exposure, not just to the field, but also using a foreign language, prepares us with the terminology used in big companies, improves our capacity to adapt to new situations and gives us the confidence to keep taking part in international events, just like this one."

Summer Block Seminar in Intensive Technical Knowledge

- All courses are at bachelors's level, full-time and worth 6 ECTS.

- All three courses can be chosen and completed separately (2 ECTS for each course).

- All course contents will be available asynchronus (self learning method) via Moodle and the following excercises and lectures take place live online via Webex.

- Contents:

  1. Fundamentals of Material Science and their application in Vehicle and Mechanical Engineering
  2. Fundamentals of Statics and Strength Theory and their application in Vehicle and Mechanical Engineering
  3. Manufacturing Technology and its application in Vehicle and Mechanical Engineering

- At the end of each week there will be an online open-book exam for each content block (see above).

- Students need sufficient command of the English language as well as basic mathematical knowledge.


All courses have a self-learning part with videos and additionally an extra live part for the exercises and lectures which are taught online via Webex. We use Moodle as a Learning Management System.

So your work starts 2 weeks before the actual start of the seminar, because you need to watch the provided videos and get to know the content. During the live sessions you are able to ask questions, do exercises with the lecturers and consolidate your knowledge.

  1. Shortly after your registration you will receive an invitation to an introduction session with possibility for FAQs.
  2. Self learning time: starting two weeks before official start
  3. Live online exercises: starting 14th of July
  4. Exams: 18th of July, 25th of July and 1st of August

Important note: This is an intensive seminar concerning time and content. Therefore please make sure the seminar meets your interests. In order to give you a first glimpse of the seminar, we provide an introduction video. We recommend to watch the introduction video thoroughly before registering.

We prepared two short videos which present the topics.

Manufacturing Technology

Students will

  • learn the six main groups of manufacturing processes (casting, forming, separating, joining, coating, modifying material properties)
  • get to know the subcategories of the first three main groups of manufacturing processes (casting, forming, separating)
  • learn both traditional and innovative processes and their respective characteristics
  • identify boundary conditions for the technical and economical use of processes
  • assemble several manufacturing processes to process chains for typical automotive components in tasks
  • understand the relationship of Manufacturing Technology to Material Science and Statics and Strength


Material Science

Students will

  • understand the structure of atoms and how the major crystal structures are build
  • be introduced to important materials and their construction, properties, meaning and applicability with a focus on ferrous materials
  • understand the relationship between internal structure and their effect on functional properties of materials
  • assess opportunities to further process materials
  • understand the possibilities and limitations of different material groups


Statics and Strength of Materials

Students will

  • analyze systems of forces (decomposition and assembly of forces)
  • recognize and calculate the resulting effect of multiple forces and torques
  • mathematically and graphically determine unknown forces in even central force systems
  • determine unknown forces in even general force systems
  • calculate internal stresses in components for the base load cases
  • understand and assess component’s failure mechanisms

You need sufficient command of the English language as well as basic mathematical knowledge.

All courses have a self-learning part before the exam takes place. Additionally, a live part for the exercises and lectures which is taught online via Webex. We use Moodle as a Learning Management System.

Videos have to be watched before an exercise. They are available two weeks before the course starts. The online meetings with the lecturer built on the videos, you can ask questions and consolidate your knowledge.

For the exam period you need a camera and a reliable printer.

How do the exams take place?

There will be three open-book exams at the end of each week, which will take place online. You need a reliable internet connection, a camera and a microphone on your computer. During a live online meeting, you will receive the exam paper in the Moodle course. After filling in all answers, you upload your exam into the Moodle course.


How many credits can I earn?

Total credits: 6 ECTS

- Material Science                                 2 ECTS

- Materials Processing                          2 ECTS

- Statics and Strength of Materials     2 ECTS


Do I have to finish the whole seminar including all three courses?
All three courses can be chosen and completed separately (2 ECTS for each course). A certificate including ECTS and a mark, will be given after the course has been successfully passed.


I am an international student - can I take the exams at my home university?
The exams will be live online open-book exams, you can do them anywhere. You just need a stable internet connection, camera and microphone. And you should be alone in the room in order to work concentrated.

How much does the seminar cost?

This seminar is fully funded by the German Exchange Service (DAAD) and therefore, free of charge. However, please notice that your registration for this programme is binding and your participation, once registered is obligatory.


How are the courses taught?

We offer a hybrid lecture model. The theory of the seminar is offered through videos that can be viewed via Moodle – exercises and lectures are mandatory and are offered live online.


I am an international student - can I take the exams at my home university?
The exams will be live online open-book exams, you can do them anywhere. You just need a stable internet connection, camera and microphone. And you should be alone in the room in order to work concentrated.

The time frame for registration will be announced in advance to each block seminar. Registration for 2025 has not yet started.

If there are question, please contact Christiane H?ger-Riedel


Christiane H?ger-Riedel
International Coordination Outgoings and Incomings
Faculty of Management and Technology
University of Applied Sciences
Flandernstrasse 101
D - 73732 Esslingen



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