HY-LIX-B Testing a fuel-cell powered goods vehicle as the starting point for the diffusion of innovation of a scalable use of hydrogen in Baden-Württemberg

To acquire knowledge about technical organisation and transformation in the context of the energy transition and the further development of hydrogen and fuel cell technology, the project consortium plans to construct and undertake the trial operation of a fuel-cell powered truck intended to supply, deliver and dispose of goods. To this end, the prototype of a fully electric truck with a total weight of 26t with fuel cell propulsion will be constructed and its scalability investigated in the Hy-Lix-B real-world laboratory. The overriding goal is therefore to equip the 26t truck with fuel cell propulsion and to produce data relating to its practical suitability, economy and social acceptance by means of testing, measurements, stakeholder discussions and surveys.
Principal researchers at Esslingen University:
Prof. Dr. Ralf W?rner
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Walter Czarnetzki
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Ammann
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Neuburger
Project duration:
11/2019 to 11/2021
Baden-Württemberg Ministry of the Environment, Climate Protection and the Energy Sector
Collaboration partners:
Ulmer Kommunikationsbüro
SW E-Mobility UG
electrify B.W.
Daimler AG
Prof. Dr. Ralf W?rner
Dr. Oliver Ehret
Further information (in German)
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