Innotherms Innovative Predictive High Efficient Thermal Management System

The objective of this project is to draw up a concept, and develop and validate an innovative predictive thermal management system which serves to utilise energy potentials and increase the range of electric transport and delivery vehicles.
The project will start by considering how to:
- Prevent losses occurring during the braking process (aim: 100% recovery of braking energy)
- Use and distribute waste heat intelligently
- Provide an optimum thermal environment for maximum component efficiency
- Achieve needs-based and predictive control of the energy and heat flows of the vehicle drive and the interior.
It will also investigate a modular architecture for the thermal management system which comprises several decentralised energy storage systems.
Principal researchers at Esslingen University:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Walter Czarnetzki
Project duration:
11/2018 to 12/2021
Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Collaboration partners:
- Fraunhofer EMI
- GreenIng GmbH
- TheSys GmbH
- INSA Institut National des Sciences Appliquees Lyon
- SJI Saint Jean Industries
People to contact
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Walter Czarnetzki
Further information about the project
Project InnoTherMS: Intelligente Temperaturregelung für E-Autos (in German) (15.05.2020)
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