The IAS Institut

The Institute for Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics (IAS) is a research institute of the faculties of Science, Energy and Building Services, and Mechanical and Systems Engineering at the University of Applied Sciences in Esslingen.

The specialist focus, topics and competences of the research institute are included:

  • Simulation of flow, combustion and radiation processes for a wide range of applications in the fields of industry, energy, building, environmental and vehicle technology
  • Coupling of flow simulation and structural calculation as well as other physical models
  • Simulation of heat transfer processes
  • Multiphase simulation and simulation of reactive flows
  • Thermofluid dynamic modelling of technical systems and processes
  • Application of optimisation methods
  • Visualisation of simulation results with virtual reality

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Your personal contactContact us

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Gabriele Gühring

Tel: +49 711 397-4376
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