Application Centre Use of electrically driven mobility resources in urban spaces

The KEIM Application Centre at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences was founded in 2012 and is the first Fraunhofer Application Centre in Baden-Wuerttemberg under the auspices of the Fraunhofer-Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO in Stuttgart.

Current Mobility Solutions

The KEIM Application Centre has the aim of creating and developing intelligent, networked IT solutions for the shared use of sustainable mobility resources in urban spaces. This means that anyone, anywhere, can choose the vehicle that is the most convenient, fastest or most appropriate for them. This requires communication that is understandable for users and based on current mobility solutions.

Methods and Solutions

Based on these solutions, KEIM offers methods and IT solutions for the Internet of Things. These include platforms to capture sensor and company data securely, as well as methods of analysis and big data technologies with their concomitant integration schemes and interfaces.

Small and Lage Companies

By means of our research, we want to create a base for small and large companies to provide their own innovative solutions for new, networked products. The foundation for this is a close connection between research and teaching. Students are actively involved in research and supervised by KEIM scientists during their practical work and when writing their Bachelor’s and Master’s theses.

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Your personal contactContact us

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Gabriele Gühring

Tel: +49 711 397-4376
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