Diagnosis and Prognosis of Condition Research Topic 3.1

A Smart Factory Grid (SFG) is a modern, service-oriented and dynamically distributed production system that is characterized by high flexibility and comprehensive networking. In an SFG, modular production units, so-called Mobile Manufacturing Units (MMUs), interact with each other. Intelligent algorithms are used to optimize the productivity and efficiency of highly dynamic and complex manufacturing processes.

The “System Health” research unit at the Institute for Technical Reliability and Prognostics (IZP) is dedicated to the development of innovative methods for condition diagnosis and prognosis. The aim is to precisely determine the current and future performance of MMUs. To this end, various sources of information are incorporated, including sensor data, planning data from higher-level systems, simulation results and physical models. In this way, the health index of individual components or entire MMUs can be estimated as accurately as possible.

Predictive planning of processes and maintenance requires an understanding of the future behavior of the components. The consideration of variable loads reveals great potential, particularly in the areas of condition diagnosis, forecasting and determining the remaining useful life (RUL). Its use requires the development and use of specifically adapted methods in order to achieve precise and reliable results.


The development within an SFG entails specific challenges. The heterogeneity of the MMUs, the flexibility of the work processes and the diversity of variants result in new operating concepts for machines and components. A precise forecast of the system states requires an in-depth understanding of the future load profiles. However, these loads are highly context-dependent, which makes them difficult to predict. The associated uncertainties lead to a limited accuracy of the forecasts.

Initial approaches to forecasting future load profiles are based on historical and current data and the consideration of different operating points. Despite a variety of model-based, data-based and hybrid methods, prediction under time-varying operating conditions remains a key challenge. In addition, limited data quality and availability make forecasting more difficult, especially in the case of incomplete or censored processes. To date, there is no comprehensive methodology to overcome these problems.

Research Approach

The chosen research approach aims to better understand and precisely predict the relationships between load and degradation. The focus is on developing a methodology for predicting future load profiles. A key focus is on considering the different types of time-varying load profiles, taking into account both known and unknown as well as discrete and continuous profiles. The integration of these profiles into the methodology is a key focus.

Furthermore, a focus is placed on the challenges of incomplete, censored and qualitatively limited data, which play a central role especially for data-driven models. Research into innovative approaches such as data augmentation and data generation aims to expand the database and increase the robustness of the models. The research approach thus strives for a holistic solution that addresses the complexity of variable load profiles and the quality of the available data.

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Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Gabriele Gühring

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