Industry 4.0 is the future: Processes and technologies interlock and communicate intelligently, while also remaining networked. With this Master’s degree, you become an expert in this field: The study programme prepares you to successfully implement the complexity of the Smart Factory. Support your future employer in driving new developments or optimising processes in existing production flows.
The modules comprehensively map Industry 4.0: The focus is on topics such as Technology, Computer Science, Economics and Law. You deal with content such as digital business models, organisational development, service computing, “smart production” and digital logistics.
With the Master’s degree, you are ideally prepared for a leadership role at the interface between technology and management. Your knowledge and expertise will support your future employer in all decisions concerning “Industry 4.0”. You become specialised in driving change in the production and logistics sector. As a specialist or manager, you recognise sources of automation and digitalisation potential, and successfully initiate all necessary implementation processes.
Interesting job offers await you with the chance of management positions in the following areas:
Check the requirements The admission and enrolment regulations as well as the special selection criteria for Master's degree programmes inform you about the application requirements for this degree programme.
Enrol in the application portal You register in the “HEonline” application portal of Esslingen University of Applied Sciences with your personal data and enrol for the degree programme you would like to take.
All done! Once you have uploaded all documents by the deadline, we will process your application. You will be informed as soon as possible after the application deadline whether we can offer you a place on this degree programme.
The Master’s programme “Smart Factory” prepares you in an optimal fashion for the topic of Industry 4.0. You learn to understand digitalisation, and to adapt production steps accordingly. The course contents are designed and further developed in constant exchange with companies.
KD - Hochschule Esslingen?
“Industry 4.0 is the future, and the Master’s degree is there to train me in precisely this area. Due to the networking of operational processes, it is important to have the right expertise in the areas of Technology and Business Management. This puts me in a great position for the future. With the Master’s degree, there are not only good job offers, but I also have good opportunities for management positions.”
Rick Petzold, student of the Smart Factory Master’s programme
Hochschule Esslingen?
What distinguishes usGood reasons for studying at Esslingen University
Smaller working groups help create a sense of proximity and intensive exchange with other students and lecturers.
Research infrastructure
You learn and research in laboratories with state-of-the-art equipment.
Practical projects
You put your theoretical knowledge into practice in projects and solve practice-oriented problems.
Feedback from employers
Graduates of the study programme are considered highly educated and optimally qualified for the topic of Industry 4.0.
Career start
The Career Centre bridges the gap between study and practice: Master thesis, application training, job portal...
Found a start-up
GründES! offers you the ideal tools and infrastructure to develop your innovative flair and entrepreneurial spirit.
Interested?Find out more!about our degree programmes