Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Saumweber


Campus Esslingen Stadtmitte
Room: S 02.010
Kanalstra?e 33
73728 Esslingen

+49 711 397-3633


Field of activity:

  • Fluid Mechanics
  • Thermodynamics
  • Heat Exchangers

Lectures (in German unless stated otherwise)

  • Informatik I
  • W?rme- und Str?mungslehre I
  • Fluid Mechanics (English lecture)
  • Simulation und Validierung - Teil Str?mungssimulation
  • HVAC Systems
  • Thermomanagement
  • CAE-Methoden - Teil CFD Methoden

consultation hours

Tuesday, 11:15 - 12:15 h  am

On appointment during semester break.


Since 09/2016: Professor for “Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics” at University of Applied Sciences Esslingen

04/2011 - 08/2016: Professor for “Applied Thermo- and Fluiddynamics” at University of Applied Sciences Mannheim

07/2004 - 03/2011: Behr GmbH & Co KG, different positions within “Advanced Engineering Engine Cooling”, most recently head of “Development Engine Mounted Components for Passenger Cars”

07/2005: PhD at University of Karlsruhe (KIT). 

02/1997 - 06/2004: Research assistant at the “Instititut für Thermische Str?mungsmaschinen”, University of Karlsruhe (KIT).

01/1996 - 08/1996: Diploma thesis at University of Waterloo, Ontario, Kanada, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Until  01/1997: Mechanical engineering study at University of Karlsruhe (KIT)


Rosafio, N., Salvadori, S., Misul, D. A., Baratta, M., Carnevale, M., Saumweber, C. (2021): “ Effect of Self-Sustained Pulsation of Coolant Flow on Adiabatic Effectiveness and Net Heat Flux Reduction on a Flat Plate“. ASME Turbo Expo, Online, June 7-11,  2021, Paper  GT-2021-59663.

Von B?ckh, P. and Saumweber, C. (2013): “Fluidmechanik“. 3. Auflage, Springer Verlag Heidelberg. ISBN 978-3-642-33891-5.

Saumweber, C.  and Schulz, A.  (2012):  "Free-Stream  Effects on  the  Cooling Performance  of Cylindrical  and Fan-Shaped  Cooling  Holes", ASME  Journal of  Turbomachinery,  Vol. 134, November 2012, pp. 061007-1 - 061007-12. 

Saumweber, C. and Schulz, A. (2012): "Effect of Geometry Variations on the Cooling Performance of Fan-Shaped Cooling Holes", ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 134, November 2012, pp. 061008-1 - 061008-16.

Grünenwald, B., Kn?dler, W., Saumweber, C. (2011): A Methodology for Evaluation of Charge Air Coolers for Low Pressure EGR Systems with respect to Corrosion.  Proceedings of  the  SAE International  Vehicle Thermal  Management  Systems Conference  (VTMS10),  Gaydon, Warwickshire UK, 15-19 May 2011.

Hummel, K.E., Huurdeman, B., Diem, J. , Saumweber, C. (2010): Ansaugmodul mit integriertem Ladeluftkühler, Motortechnische Zeitschrift (MTZ), Nr.11 2010, pp. 788-793.

Vestrelli, F., Marocco, L., Buzzi, L., Carlucci, R., Guglielmi, A., Hassdenteufel, K.,  Rister, T., Saumweber,  C.  (2008).  Application of  a  Secondary Coolant  Circuit  to Charge  Air  and EGR Cooling System for Segment D Cars and High Performance Engines. FISITA World Automotive Congress, Munich, Germany, September 14-19, 2008, Paper F2008-06-081.

Saumweber, C.  and Schulz, A.  (2008). Free-Stream  Effects  on the  Cooling  Performance of Cylindrical  and  Fan-Shaped Cooling  Holes.  ASME Turbo Expo, Berlin, Germany, June 9-13, 2008, Paper GT-2008-51030 

Saumweber, C. and Schulz, A. (2008).  Comparison of the Cooling Performance of Cylindrical and Fan-Shaped Cooling Holes with Special Emphasis on the Effect of Internal Coolant Cross-Flow. ASME Turbo Expo, Berlin, Germany, June 9-13, 2008, Paper GT-2008-51036 

Saumweber, C. and Schulz, A. (2008).  Effect of Geometry Variations on the Cooling Performance of Fan-Shaped Cooling Holes.  ASME Turbo  Expo,  Berlin, Germany,  June  9-13, 2008,  Paper  GT-2008-51038.

Saumweber, C. (2005). Filmkühlung thermisch hochbelasteter Gasturbinenschaufeln: M?glichkeiten und Grenzen des Einsatzes von Diffusorbohrungen. PhD thesis, Institut für Thermische Str?mungsmaschinen, Universit?t Karlsruhe (TH), Logos Verlag Berlin, ISBN 3-8325-1079-6.

Saumweber, C., Schulz, A., Wittig, S. (2003). Free-Stream Turbulence Effects on Film Cooling with Shaped Holes. ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 125, pp. 65-73. 

Saumweber, C. and Schulz, A. (2003). Interaction of Film Cooling Rows: Effects of Hole Geometry and Row Spacing on the Cooling Performance downstream of the Second Row of Holes.  ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 126, pp. 237-246.

Adami, P., Montomoli, F., Martelli, F., Saumweber, C. (2002). Numerical Investigation of Internal Crossflow Film Cooling. ASME Turbo Expo, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 3-6, 2002, Paper GT-2002-30171.

Saumweber, C., Gritsch, M., Schulz, A., Wittig,  S. (2001). Effects of Entrance Crossflow Directions to Film Cooling Holes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 934, May 2001, pp. 401-408. 

Ligrani, P.M., Saumweber, C., Schulz, A., Wittig,  S. (2001). Shock Wave – Film  Cooling Interactions in Transonic Flows. ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 123, pp. 788-797.

Gritsch, M., Saumweber, C., Schulz, A., Wittig, S., Sharp, E. (2000). Effect of Internal Coolant Crossflow Orientation on the Discharge Coefficient of Shaped Film Cooling Holes. ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 122, pp. 146-152.

Gans, H., Brehm, N., Martiny, M., Saumweber, C., Schulz, A., Wittig, S. (1998). Entwicklung und Erprobung effusionsgekühlter Hochtemperatur-Brennkammerschindeln.  6. Statusseminar Arbeitsgemeinschaft Hochtemperatur-Gasturbine, 3./4. Dezember 1998, DLR, K?ln Porz, Vortrag 6.

Friedman, J.A., Saumweber, C., Renksizbulut, M. (1997). Gas-Phase Turbulence Measurements in  the  Presence of  Large  Spray Droplets  Using  Phase Doppler Interferometry.  Proceedings of ILASS America '97, 10th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Ottawa, Canada, 18-21 Mai 1997.

Saumweber, C., Friedman, J.A., Renksizbulut, M.  (1997). Simultaneous Droplet Size and Gas Phase Turbulence Measurements in a Spray Flow using Phase-Doppler Interferometry.  Particle and Particle Systems Characterization, Vol.14, pp. 233-242.


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