Mechanical and Systems Engineering Christopher Polak, B.Eng., M.Sc.



  • Application development for augmented and mixed reality applications in mechanical engineering
  • Interaction modeling on the basis of mixed reality
  • Human-robot interaction


  • since november 2022: research assistant at Virtual Automation Lab
  • october 2018 until october 2022: engineer at Steinbeis Transferplattform BW GmbH
  • august 2021: master of science “ resource efficiency in mechanical engineering” at Esslingen University
    master thesis at Virtual Automation Lab on the topic: development and analysis of a method for physics-based object interaction in multiuser mixed reality environments
  • september 2018:  bachelor of engineering “mechanical engineering” at Esslingen University
    bachelor thesis at Virtual Automation Lab on the topic: human-robot collaboration and interaction with a head-mounted display

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