Marcel Braig, B.Sc., M.Eng.
Campus G?ppingen
Robert-Bosch-Stra?e 1
73037 G?ppingen
Condition monitoring and diagnosis of technical systems
Prognostics and Health Management (PHM)
Machine Learning
consultation hours
By arrangement
since March 2021: Research assistant at the Faculty of Machines and Systems
2021: Graduation as Master of Engineering in the study program "Mechatronics / Systems Engineering" at Aalen University and Esslingen University
2019: Graduation as Bachelor of Science in the study program "Technology Development" at Ravensburg-Weingarten University (RWU)
Braig, M.; Zeiler, P. (2024): A Study on the Effectiveness of Time Series Similarity Measures for the Comparison of Degradation Curves of Similar Engineering Systems. IEEE Access, Volume 12, pp. 49602-49623, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3384697
Mauthe, F.; Braig, M.; Zeiler, P. (2023):Evaluierung der Güte von datengetriebenen Methoden zur Lebensdauerprognose technischer Systeme unter Berücksichtigung von Zeitreihencharakteristiken. 31. Fachtagung Technische Zuverl?ssigkeit 2023, 26.-27.04.2023, Nürtingen, VDI-Berichte 2409, ISBN: 978-3-18-092409-0
Braig, M.; Zeiler, P. (2022/23): Using Data From Similar Systems for Data-Driven Condition Diagnosis and Prognosis of Engineering Systems: A Review and an Outline of Future Research Challenges. IEEE Access, Volume 11, pp. 1506-1554, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3233220
Mauthe, F.; Braig, M.; Zeiler, P. (2022): Performance Evaluation of Neural Network Architectures on Time Series Condition Data for Remaining Useful Life Prognosis Under Defined Operating Conditions, Proceedings of the 32nd European Safety and Reliability Conference, DOI: 10.3850/978-981-18-5183-4_R22-07-121-cd
more information
Institute for Technical Reliability and Prognostics (IZP), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Zeiler
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