Management and Technology Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Oliver Dürr
Esslingen Hilltop Campus
F 02.251
Flandernstra?e 101
73732 Esslingen
Associate Dean Management and Technology
Vice Dean Management and Technology
Member of Senate Management and Technology
Mitglied der Wissenschaftskommission Management and Technology
Academic Director International Industrial Management (Bachelor)
consultation hours
During the lecture period Tuesdays 09.30-10.00 in my Webex Meeting room:
Scientific journals
Duerr, O., Nisch, M. & Rohlfing-Bastian, A. (2020): Incentives in optimally sized teams for projects with uncertain returns, Review of Accounting Studies, Vol. 25, 313-341.
Duerr, Oliver M. and Robert F. Goex (2013): Specific Investment and Negotiated Transfer Pricing
in an International Transfer Pricing model, Schmalenbach Business Review, Vol.65, 27-50.
Duerr, Oliver M. and Robert F. Goex (2011): Strategic Incentives for Keeping One Set of Books
in International Transfer Pricing, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Vol. 20, 269-298.
Duerr, Oliver M., Heller, Uwe and Robert F. Goex (2008): Verfahrenswahl bei Risiko,
Journal of Business Economics (former ZfB), Vol. 78, 813-832.
Duerr, Oliver (2011): Optimales Transferpreissystem im multinationalen Konzern: Einheitliche oder separate Transferpreise für Steuerzwecke und interne Koordination, Reihe „Controlling & Management“, Band 5, Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden, zugleich Dissertation an der Université de Fribourg (Schweiz, 2009).
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