Management and Technology Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Oliver Dürr
Esslingen Hilltop Campus
F 02.251
Flandernstra?e 101
73732 Esslingen
Vice Dean Management and Technology
Mitglied der Wissenschaftskommission Management and Technology
Academic Director International Industrial Management (Bachelor)
consultation hours
During the lecture period Tuesdays 09.30-10.00 in my Webex Meeting room:
Scientific journals
Duerr, O., Nisch, M. & Rohlfing-Bastian, A. (2020): Incentives in optimally sized teams for projects with uncertain returns, Review of Accounting Studies, Vol. 25, 313-341.
Duerr, Oliver M. and Robert F. Goex (2013): Specific Investment and Negotiated Transfer Pricing
in an International Transfer Pricing model, Schmalenbach Business Review, Vol.65, 27-50.
Duerr, Oliver M. and Robert F. Goex (2011): Strategic Incentives for Keeping One Set of Books
in International Transfer Pricing, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Vol. 20, 269-298.
Duerr, Oliver M., Heller, Uwe and Robert F. Goex (2008): Verfahrenswahl bei Risiko,
Journal of Business Economics (former ZfB), Vol. 78, 813-832.
Duerr, Oliver (2011): Optimales Transferpreissystem im multinationalen Konzern: Einheitliche oder separate Transferpreise für Steuerzwecke und interne Koordination, Reihe „Controlling & Management“, Band 5, Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden, zugleich Dissertation an der Université de Fribourg (Schweiz, 2009).
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