Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Schuler


Campus Esslingen Stadtmitte
Room: S 02.009
Kanalstra?e 33
73728 Esslingen

+49 711 397-3321


Automotive Systems Engineering
? Mechatronic Vehicle Systems
? Model-based (Systems) Engineering

special functions

? Director of Steinbeis-Transferzentrum Model-based Systems Engineering (STZ-mbe)
? Member of the german council of systems engineering (GfSE)
? Member of the german university association (hlb)
? Alumni of the Friedrich-Ebert foundation (FES)
? Alumni of the german academic exchange service (DAAD)

consultation hours

In the summersemester 2025: Thursday, 9:30-10:30 (registration per e-Mail requested)
In semester breaks: Appointment only after agreement via email.


? 10/1990-02/1996: Studies in mechanical engineering at University of Applied Sciences - Augsburg and Missouri University of Science and Technology (USA)
? 04/1997-06/1999: Studies in mechanical engineering at Technical University Darmstadt - majoring mechatronical systems
? 07/1999-09/2005: Research assistant at Research Institute of Automotive Engineering and Vehicle Engines Stuttgart (FKFS) - Department Automotive Mechatronics and at Daimler AG
? 08/2007: German engineering doctorate at University of Stuttgart
? 10/2005-01/2014: Development engineer and manager at Robert Bosch GmbH in the departments System Engineering, Corporate Research, Advanced Engineering for powertrain systems, hybrid and electric vehicles
? since 02/2014: Full professor for Mechatronic Systems at University of Applied Sciences - Esslingen


? it is refered to Researchgate

more information

Newsworthy Issues
? Made in Baden-Württemberg

Lectures at University of Applied Sciences Esslingen (Bachelor)
? Vehicle Technology 1
? Automotive Systems

Lectures at University of Applied Sciences Esslingen (Master)
? Systems Engineering
? Systems Engineering for Autonomous Driving Systems

Letter of recommendation
? only for students, which I met personally
? in lectures: Grade must be within the best 10%


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