Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dipl.-Chem. Stephan Appel
Campus Esslingen Stadtmitte
S 07.207
Kanalstra?e 33
73728 Esslingen
Campus Esslingen Stadtmitte
S 13.-113
Kanalstra?e 33
73728 Esslingen
General chemistry
Physical chemistry
Surface- and nano chemistry
Recycling of lithium ion storage cells
special functions
- Head of laboratory for surface and nano chemistry; link to the labs: /en/science-energy-and-building-services/research/laboratories/chemical-engineering
- Representative for schlarships for natural science programs
- Radiation safety officer
consultation hours
on appointment
1991-1996 Chemistry studies, Universit?t des Saarlandes, focus physical chemistry, Diploma thesis to crystal chemistry and theory of uranium tellurides
1996-2000 Scientific staff menber, Universit?t des Saarlandes: Inorganic synthesis chemistry, solid state chemistry, crystallography, Rb2Te, K2UTe3, U0,9Te3
2000 PHD thesis on the structural chemistry of alkali metal uranium chalcogene systems
2001 Post-Doc, DFG project Optokeramik, ceramic powder technology
2002-2014 Development of fluorescent lamps, Osram GmbH: coating development, surfce chemistry, analytic of suspensions, colorimetry
Since 2014 Prof. at Hochschule Esslingen
Research interests
Characterization and reconditioning of cathode material from lithium ion accumulators
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