Mechanical and Systems Engineering Thomas Fettahoglu
- Synthetic training data for object detection
- Artificial intelligence for digital twins
- since January 2021: Research Associate at Virtual Automation Lab, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sascha R?ck, Project: accelerateKI
- October 2019 - December 2020: Development engineer at Steinbeis-Innovationszentrum Transferplattform Industrie 4.0 and Research Associate at Virtual Automation Lab, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sascha R?ck
- February 2020: Graduation as Master of Science 'Ressourceneffizienz im Maschinenbau' from the Hochschule Esslingen
- Master thesis at Virtual Automation Lab - Title: 'Pr?zise Lokalisierung und Steuerung eines autonomen Indoor-Flugroboters' (engl. 'Precise localization and control of autonomous indoor drones')
- July 2017: Graduation as Bachelor of Engineering 'Maschinenbau' from the Hochschule Esslingen
- Bachelor thesis at Dr.-Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG - Title: 'Integration und Inbetriebnahme einer Inline-Messanlage zur Spalt- und Bündigkeitsmessung im Karosseriebau der Automobilindustrie' (engl. 'Integration and Installation of a inline measuring system for gap and flushness measurements for the car body construction in the automobile industry')
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