Computer Science and Engineering Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dipl.-Informatiker Tobias Heer


Campus Esslingen Flandernstra?e
Room: F 01.312
Flandernstra?e 101
73732 Esslingen

+49 711 397-4397


Network Security
IT Security
Offensive Security
Security of Industrial Networks

special functions

Head of IT Security Lab


S. Kaniewski, L. Bechtel, M. Menth, and T. Heer, \Monitoring IP-ID Behavior for Spoofed IPv4 Tra?c

Detection," in IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation

(ETFA), (Padova, Italy), Sept. 2024

L. Bechtel, S. Muller, M. Menth, and T. Heer, \GeNESIS: Generator for Network Evaluation Scenarios

of Industrial Systems," in IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory

Automation (ETFA), (Padova, Italy), Sept. 2024

L. Osswald, S. Lindner, L. Bechtel, T. Heer, and M. Menth, \Secure Resource Allocation Protocol (SecRAP)

for Time-Sensitive Networking," in IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies

and Factory Automation (ETFA), (Padova, Italy), Sept. 2024

J. Mayer, M. Schramm, L. Bechtel, N. Lohmiller, S. Kaniewski, M. Menth, and T. Heer, \I Know Who

You Scanned Last Summer: Mapping the Landscape of Internet-Wide Scanners," in IFIP Networking,

(Thessaloniki, Greece), June 2024

B. Varga, J. Farkas, S. Kehrer, and T. Heer, \Deterministic Networking (DetNet): Packet Ordering

Function." RFC 9550, Mar. 2024

L. Wusteney, D. Hellmanns, M. Schramm, L. Osswald, R. Hummen, M. Menth, and T. Heer, \Analyzing

and Modeling the Latency and Jitter Behavior of Mixed Industrial TSN and DetNet Networks," in

Proceedings of the International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies

(CoNEXT), (Roma, Italy), Dec. 2022

R. Muller, J. Ruppert, K. Will, L. Wusteney, and T. Heer, \Analyzing the Software Patch Discipline

Across Di?erent Industries and Countries," in Sicherheit, Gesellschaft fur Informatik, Bonn, 2022

R. Muller, J. Ruppert, K. Will, L. Wusteney, and T. Heer, \Analyzing the Software Patch Discipline

Across Di?erent Industries and Countries," vol. 46, Springer, 2022

R. Muller, J. Ruppert, K. Will, L. Wusteney, and T. Heer, \Analyzing the Software Patch Discipline

Across Di?erent Industries and Countries," 老虎机游戏_老虎机游戏下载@ und Datensicherheit, vol. 46, no. 5, pp. 269{

275, 2022

L. Wusteney, M. Menth, R. Hummen, and T. Heer, \Impact of Packet Filtering on Time-Sensitive Networking

Tra?c," in IEEE International Conference on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS),

(Linz, Austria), June 2021

T. Heer and S. Varjonen, \Host Identity Protocol Certi?cates," RFC, vol. 8002, pp. 1{13, Oct. 2016

R. G. Moskowitz, T. Heer, P. Jokela, and T. R. Henderson, \Host Identity Protocol Version 2 (HIPv2),"

RFC, vol. 7401, pp. 1{128, 2015

T. Heer, \Direkte Ende-zu-Mitte Authenti?zierung in kooperativen Netzen," Prax. Inf.verarb. Kommun.,

vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 9{15, 2013

T. Heer, Direct End-to-Middle Authentication in Cooperative Networks, vol. 3 of Reports on Communi-

cations and Distributed Systems. Shaker, 2012

H. Wirtz, T. Heer, R. Hummen, and K. Wehrle, \Mesh-DHT: A locality-based distributed look-up structure

for Wireless Mesh Networks," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communica-

tions, ICC 2012, Ottawa, ON, Canada, June 10-15, 2012, pp. 653{658, IEEE, 2012

H. Wirtz, T. Heer, M. Serror, and K. Wehrle, \DHT-based localized service discovery in wireless mesh

networks," in 9th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Sensor Systems, MASS 2012,

Las Vegas, NV, USA, October 8-11, 2012, pp. 19{28, IEEE Computer Society, 2012

R. Hummen, J. H. Ziegeldorf, T. Heer, H. Wirtz, and K. Wehrle, \SEAMS: A Signaling Layer for End-

Host-Assisted Middlebox Services," in 11th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and

Privacy in Computing and Communications, TrustCom 2012, Liverpool, United Kingdom, June 25-

27, 2012 (G. Min, Y. Wu, L. C. Liu, X. Jin, S. A. Jarvis, and A. Y. Al-Dubai, eds.), pp. 525{532,

IEEE Computer Society, 2012

R. Hummen, H. Wirtz, N. Viol, T. Heer, and K. Wehrle, \WiSec 2011 demo: PISA-SA - security and

mobility in a collaborative muni-?," ACM SIGMOBILE Mob. Comput. Commun. Rev., vol. 15, no. 3,

pp. 35{36, 2011

T. Heer, O. G. Morchon, R. Hummen, S. L. Keoh, S. S. Kumar, and K. Wehrle, \Security Challenges in

the IP-based Internet of Things," Wireless Personl Communication, vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 527{542, 2011

S. Varjonen, T. Heer, K. Rimey, and A. V. Gurtov, \Secure Resolution of End-Host Identi?ers for Mobile

Clients," in Proceedings of the Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM 2011, 5-9 December

2011, Houston, Texas, USA, pp. 1{6, IEEE, 2011

H. Wirtz, R. Hummen, N. Viol, T. Heer, M. A. L. Gir?on, and K. Wehrle, \Cooperative Wi-Fi-sharing:

Encouraging fair play," in Proceedings of the ITU Kaleidoscope 2011: The Fully Networked Human?

- Innovations for Future Networks and Services, Cape Town, South Africa, December 12-14, 2011,

pp. 1{8, IEEE, 2011

H. Wirtz, T. Heer, R. Backhaus, and K. Wehrle, \Establishing mobile ad-hoc networks in 802.11 infrastructure

mode," in Proceedings of the 6th ACM workshop on Challenged networks, CHANTS@MOBICOM

2011, Las Vegas, NV, USA, September 19-23, 2011 (F. Legendre and A. Helmy, eds.), pp. 49{52, ACM,


E. Weingartner, F. Schmidt, H. vom Lehn, T. Heer, and K. Wehrle, \SliceTime: A Platform for Scalable

and Accurate Network Emulation," in Proceedings of the 8th USENIX Symposium on Networked

Systems Design and Implementation, NSDI 2011, Boston, MA, USA, March 30 - April 1, 2011 (D. G.

Andersen and S. Ratnasamy, eds.), USENIX Association, 2011

T. Heer, \Direkte Ende-zu-Mitte Authenti?zierung in kooperativen Netzen," in Ausgezeichnete Infor-

matikdissertationen 2011 (A. Bernstein, S. Holldobler, K. Lohr, P. Molitor, G. Neumann, R. Reischuk,

M. Spiliopoulou, H. Storrle, and D. Wagner, eds.), vol. D-12 of LNI, pp. 71{80, GI, 2011

T. Heer and S. Varjonen, \Host Identity Protocol Certi?cates," RFC, vol. 6253, pp. 1{12, 2011

T. Heer, T. Jansen, R. Hummen, S. Gotz, H. Wirtz, E.Weingartner, and K.Wehrle, \PiSA-SA: Municipal

Wi-Fi Based on Wi-Fi Sharing," in Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computer

Communications and Networks, IEEE ICCCN 2010, Zurich, Switzerland, August 2-5, 2010, pp. 1{8,

IEEE, 2010

T. Heer, R. Hummen, N. Viol, H. Wirtz, S. Gotz, and K. Wehrle, \Collaborative municipal Wi-Fi networks

- challenges and opportunities," in Eigth Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive

Computing and Communications, PerCom 2010, March 29 - April 2, 2010, Mannheim, Germany,

Workshop Proceedings, pp. 588{593, IEEE Computer Society, 2010

T. Heer, \Leichtgewichtige Sicherheitsmechanismen fur das Host Identity Protocol," Prax. Inf.verarb.

Kommun., vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 48{52, 2009

E. Weingartner, F. Schmidt, T. Heer, and K. Wehrle, \Time accurate integration of software prototypes

with event-based network simulations," SIGMETRICS Perform. Evaluation Rev., vol. 37, no. 2,

pp. 49{50, 2009

T. Heer, R. Hummen, M. Komu, S. Gotz, and K.Wehrle, \End-Host Authentication and Authorization for

Middleboxes Based on a Cryptographic Namespace," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference

on Communications, ICC 2009, Dresden, Germany, 14-18 June 2009, pp. 1{6, IEEE, 2009

T. Heer, \Abstract: Lightweight Authentication for HIP," in Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen

(KiVS), 16. Fachtagung Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS 2009), Kassel, 2.-6. Marz

2009, Eine Veranstaltung der Gesellschaft fur Informatik (GI) unter Beteiligung der Informationstech-

nischen Gesellschaft (ITG/VDE) Ausgerichtet von der Universitat Kassel (K. David and K. Geihs,

eds.), Informatik Aktuell, p. 323, Springer, 2009

O. G. Morchon, T. Falck, T. Heer, and K. Wehrle, \Security for pervasive medical sensor networks," in

6th Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and

Services, MOBIQUITOUS 2009, Toronto, Canada, July 13-16, 2009 (A. Misra and E. de Lara, eds.),

pp. 1{10, ICST / IEEE, 2009

O. G. Morchon, T. Falck, T. Heer, and K. Wehrle, \Security for pervasive healthcare," in 6th Annual

International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services,

MOBIQUITOUS 2009, Toronto, Canada, July 13-16, 2009 (A. Misra and E. de Lara, eds.), pp. 1{2,

ICST / IEEE, 2009

O. G. Morchon, T. Heer, and K. Wehrle, \Brief announcement: lightweight key agreement and digital

certi?cates for wireless sensor networks," in Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Symposium on

Principles of Distributed Computing, PODC 2009, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, August 10-12, 2009

(S. Tirthapura and L. Alvisi, eds.), pp. 326{327, ACM, 2009

E. Weingartner, F. Schmidt, T. Heer, and K. Wehrle, \Synchronized network emulation: matching prototypes

with complex simulations," SIGMETRICS Perform. Evaluation Rev.

T. Heer, S. Gotz, O. G. Morchon, and K. Wehrle, \ALPHA: an adaptive and lightweight protocol for hopby-

hop authentication," in Proceedings of the 2008 ACM Conference on Emerging Network Experiment

and Technology, CoNEXT 2008, Madrid, Spain, December 9-12, 2008 (A. Azcorra, G. de Veciana,

K. W. Ross, and L. Tassiulas, eds.), p. 23, ACM, 2008

T. Heer, S. Gotz, E. Weingartner, and K. Wehrle, \Secure Wi-Fi sharing at global scales," in 2008

International Conference on Telecommunications, ICT 2008, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 16-19,

2008, pp. 1{7, IEEE, 2008

T. Heer, \Lightweight HIP," in Host Identity Protocol (HIP) (A. Gurtov, ed.), ch. 8, pp. 121{136, West

Sussex, England, UK: Wiley and Sons, 2008

T. Heer, \Introduction to Network Security," in Host Identity Protocol (HIP) (A. Gurtov, ed.), ch. 2,

pp. 13{42, West Sussex, England, UK: Wiley and Sons, 2008

S. Gotz, C. Beckel, T. Heer, and K. Wehrle, \ADAPT: A semantics-oriented protocol architecture," in

Self-Organizing Systems, Third International Workshop, IWSOS 2008, Vienna, Austria, December

10-12, 2008. Proceedings (K. A. Hummel and J. P. G. Sterbenz, eds.), vol. 5343 of Lecture Notes in

Computer Science, pp. 287{292, Springer, 2008

O. Landsiedel, T. Heer, and K. Wehrle, \MHT: eine mobilitatsbewusste verteilte hash-tabelle (MHT: A

mobility-aware distributed hash table)," it Inf. Technol., vol. 49, no. 5, pp. 298{303, 2007

O. G. Morchon, H. Baldus, T. Heer, and K. Wehrle, \Cooperative security in distributed sensor networks,"

in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking,

Applications and Worksharing, White Plains, New York, USA, November 12-15, 2007 (J. Quemada

and T. Zhang, eds.), pp. 96{105, IEEE Computer Society / ICST, 2007

T. Heer, S. Li, and K. Wehrle, \PISA: P2P Wi-Fi Internet Sharing Architecture," in Seventh IEEE Inter-

national Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P 2007), September 2-5, 2007, Galway, Ireland

(M. Hauswirth, A. Wierzbicki, K. Wehrle, A. Montresor, and N. Shahmehri, eds.), pp. 251{252, IEEE

Computer Society, 2007

T. Heer, S. Gotz, S. Rieche, and K. Wehrle, \Adapting Distributed Hash Tables for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,"

in 4th IEEE Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom

2006 Workshops), 13-17 March 2006, Pisa, Italy, pp. 173{178, IEEE Computer Society, 2006

T. Heer, \Einsatz Verteilter Hash-Tabellen in mobilen Netzen," in Informatiktage 2005 - Fachwissenschaftlicher

Informatik-Kongress, 8. und 9. April 2005, Schloss Birlinghoven, St. Augustin bei Bonn, vol. S-2 of

LNI, pp. 73{76, GI, 2005

T. Heer, H. Niedermayer, L. Petrak, S. Rieche, and K. Wehrle, \On the Use of Structured P2P Indexing

Mechanisms in Mobile Ad-Hoc Scenarios," in 34. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft fur Informatik, In-

formatik verbindet, INFORMATIK 2004, Ulm, Germany, September 20-24, 2004, Band 2 (P. Dadam

and M. Reichert, eds.), vol. P-51 of LNI, pp. 239{244, GI, 2004


T. Heer, \Verfahren fur ein redundantes Ubertragungssystem mit PRP und mehrfachem Datenpaketversand,"

German Patent (DE 10 2015 206 380 A1), January 2022

T. Heer, \Verfahren fur ein redundantes Ubertragungssystem mit PRP und Fehlervorhersage," US Patent

(US000010404416B2), EU Patent (EP000003130100B1), November 2019

T. Heer, \Verfahren fur ein redundantes Ubertragungssystem mit PRP und Energieeinsparung," US

Patent (US000011296834B2), EU Patent (EP000003130099B1), July 2022

T. Heer and V. Klimmek, \Verfahren fur ein redundantes Ubertragungssystem mit PRP und Zwischenspeicherung

von Datenpaketen," US Patent (US000011296835B2), EU Patent (EP000003304790B1),

Chinese Patent (CN000111213341B), October 2021

T. Heer, \Paketverzogerungen fur zeitdeterministische Firewalls," Patent Pending

T. Heer, \Bedingte Filterung fur zeitdeterministische Firewalls," Patent Pending

T. Heer, \Priorisierung fur zeitdeterministische Firewalls," Patent Pending


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