Job Searchs and Contact to Companies

Job portal and links

Career link is the job portal for students at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences. The career center offers this portal together with the service provider Jobteaser. A large number of job offers for internships, final theses, working student jobs and direct entry positions are waiting for you.

Partners of the career centre:


Esslingen University of Applied Sciences brings you into contact with renowned companies and new, attractive cooperation partners.

Further information and dates can be found on the intranet.

career weeks and career days - Everything about practice, job and career

Our workshops and presentations will help you prepare perfectly for your application and job interviews. In personal application portfolio checks with HR officers and specialist representatives from companies, you will receive individual tips and tricks for your application documents at first hand.

We offer events where you can learn more about these and other career-related topics in a variety of ways at the career weeks in the summer semester and the career days in the winter semester - we look forward to seeing you there!

Your Career Center at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences

contact persons: B?rbel G?tz and Anke Mackowiack



With many outstanding scholarships and renowned sponsors, the Deutschlandstipendium has successfully established itself at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences since 2011.

Scholarship holders receive 300 euros per month, half from private sponsors and half from the federal government. In addition to financial support, some companies offer non-material support, e.g. internships, final theses and company visits as well as working student activities, mentoring programs, etc. We therefore always strive to create the best possible match between the sponsoring company and the scholarship holder.

In addition to first-class grades, social commitment and special personal achievements are also taken into account when awarding the Deutschlandstipendium - such as successfully overcoming hurdles in one's own educational biography or successes in sports, music or other areas.

Scholarship holders receive the grant, which is independent of their origin and income (also in addition to BAf?G benefits), usually for two semesters and at most until the end of the standard period of study, so that they can concentrate successfully on their studies.

Your application to Esslingen University of Applied Sciences

Students and first-year students can already apply.  The results will be announced in mid-October. Funding will then begin retroactively from 01.09.

The next application round for the funding year 2024/2025 has been running since May 21, 2024 and ends on June 23, 2024. The application portal is only open during the application phase. You can already prepare all the required evidence and documents (PDF1 and PDF2) in advance so that the online application can be completed!



For further information please contact:
Anke Mackowiack



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Your personal contactContact us

contact persons: B?rbel G?tz or Anke Mackowiack