Ready to get started
Your enrolment is on its way to the University and perhaps you already have your student certificate? Great! Here are a couple of tips that you should bear in mind before you start your studies.
Finding Accommodation
Mettingerstra?e 127 – Westpoint
73728 Esslingen
Tel: 0711/203731-101 oder 0711/203731-102
Office hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 9 - 11 a.m.
Further Accommodation:
Contacts in Esslingen
Student flats and shared accommodation in Esslingen
Offers of accommodation via AStA (Students Union Executive Committee). You can find information at the AStA office at the Univeristy, Esslingen, building 5, room 5.013, tel: 0711/397-3150, office hours: Monday to wednesdays and fridays from 09.00 to 11.30 a.m.
Adverts for rooms can be posted in local newspapers: for Esslingen, in the Esslinger Zeitung or for Goeppingen in the Neuen Wuerttembergischen Zeitung (NWZ).
Ticket for bus and train
Students under 27 years of age who are studying at universities in the region covered by the VVS regional transport cooperative can subscribe to the JugendTicketBW on production of the necessary proof. The ticket enables you to travel throughout Baden-Württemberg for EUR 365 per year.
Parking space is very limited at all three campuses. We therefore recommend that you use public transport.
In Esslingen, there are covered parking spaces available. They are run by PBW Parkraumgesellschaft Baden-Wuerttemberg mbH. You can find further information about the PBW here.
Parking space is available for a fee in Goeppingen in the nearby multi-storey carpark in Jahnstrasse. Students can obtain long-term parking tickets at reduced rates.
Parking permits for student parking spaces on the GoeppingenCampus can be applied for online on the University’s Intranet as soon as you have access. Spaces are limited.
Introductory mathematics course – get fit for your studies
The introductory maths course takes place two weeks before the semester begins and is designed especially for new students on technical and management courses at Esslingen University. The course enables you to brush up your mathematical knowledge and skills and obtain a sound foundation.
Advice for Students Beratung rund um Finanzierung, Praktikumssuche und der pers?nlichen Orientierung
Advice on finances, looking for a practical placement/internship and personal orientation
You can get advice about your studies from a number of different sources at the University.
- Student Advice Centre
Esslingen University’s Student Advice Centre offers information and advice for personal as well as study-related matters. You can talk to us about your situation openly in a personal talk. All conversations are treated absolutely confidentially. - Practical placements/internships, work & career
Support, for example, when looking for a practical placement/internship. - Finances
BAF?G, grants & Co.: What possibilities are there to finance your studies?
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