General Information


Internet access for guests at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences

As a guest at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences, you have several options to obtain access to the IT network and the internet. This page is for guests at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences (and for their supervisors), not for members of Esslingen University of Applied Sciences who are guests at another university.

Option 1: Your home institution supports ?eduroam?

If you have successfully set up eduroam at your home institution, your login should also work at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences, since the basic settings are the same for all participants.
Since eduroam can only be used via WiFi, please enquire in advance as to whether sufficient WiFi coverage is available in the rooms you will be using.

Option 2: Your home institution supports DFN-Roaming (DFN-CASG) or BelWü-Roaming (BelWü-CASG)

If you have information that your home institution is participating in DFN-Roaming or BelWü-Roaming, or that the VPN access servers have an IP address in either the DFN-CASG or BelWü-CASG network, you can assume that these servers can be accessed from Esslingen University of Applied Sciences.

You can either connect up via WiFi to ?VPN/WEB? or to a black junction box and start the VPN connection as usual.
If you cannot find any information about this, continue with Option 3.

Option 3: Your home institution supports a VPN access whose servers have a fixed and public IP address

It is possible that you cannot decide yourself if this option is available.  Send the following questions to your local computer centre:

  • Is there a VPN server on which you can log in and which can be accessed via the Internet?
  • Has this server (Have these servers) a fixed, public IP address (which can be accessed via the Internet)?
  • What is this/are these IP address(es)?

If these questions can be answered in the affirmative, send us the response of your computer centre.
Install and test the VPN access at your home institution!

Option 4: No other option applies

Your contact partner(s) or your supervisor at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences must contact the Computer Centre to apply for a guest account

All three campuses at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences

City Centre Campus have a Computer Centre

73728 Esslingen, Kanalstr.33, Building 7

Room: S07.008

Flandernstrasse Campus

73732 Esslingen, Flandernstrasse 101, Building 1

Room: F01.203

G?ppingen Campus

73037 G?ppingen, Robert-Bosch-Strasse 1, Building 4

Room: G04.204


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Computer Centre

For general questions, please contact rzinfo.

For support and assistance, please use our contact form.