Access to the university IT network Information for first semester students

Dear students,
The Computer Centre is delighted to welcome you to Esslingen University of Applied Sciences and wishes you every success in completing your studies. You will receive your access data after enrolment via the university's applicant portal. Please keep your login details in a safe place! You can find instructions on how to change your initial password under the heading “How to change your password”.

Please read and observe the Betriebsordnung (Procedural Rules and Regulations) PDF of the Computer Centre.

Frequently asked questions

General information

Messages with new information and maintenance messages relating to the Computer Centre appear automatically or can be found at: (’Message of the day’).

Where can I find my login details?

Every member of Esslingen University of Applied Sciences receives one-time notification of their personal login details (HE account) for the IT systems when they start their degree programme or commence their employment.

Instructions on how to change your initial password can be found further down under the heading “How to change your password”.

How to change your password

The first time you register on a Windows PC of Esslingen University of Applied Sciences, you will automatically be requested to change your initial password.

The generally valid password can be changed from any computer within the university domain, and also via the Internet. Use the Internet browser to access the relevant function by going to the university home page and then  webmail (quick access / email access via Web) and, after you have registered, click “Options“ or “Optionen“ and then “Change-Password“ or “Password-?ndern“.

In Windows, press “STRG+ALT-ENTF” and then change your password via “Kennwort-?ndern“. Please note the information  provided by the Computer Centre.

A change to a password under Windows or per webmail  takes effect immediately for all accessible IT systems provided by the Computer Centre and is then generally valid.

How can I call up my course timetable?

The current timetables can be found here.


The Computer Centre can provide you with a number of services, including a comprehensive range of software for use at the university and also for private computers to be used solely in conjunction with your studies. More information is available on the Computer Centre website.

Internet and email services

After enrolling, the most important information will be sent by email to your university email address. The most important information on how to use the system can be found in the intranet at:

  • To process your emails within the university, start “Thunderbird” from any university computer.
  • To use email via WWW, always use webmail (quick access / email access via Web)
  • Your existing login details are also valid to login via webmail.
  • The default email address is always:
    < >.
  • Our students can additionally set up a further alias address, parallel to their default email address, e. g. in the form: or another combination of first name and last name or parts thereof which is offered, at the Alias-Changer.
  • You are not permitted to set up the redirection of incoming emails to private email addresses.  See the statement from the President’s Office/Vice-Presidents’ Offices: “Hinweis zur privaten Nutzung der Datenverarbeitungsanlagen der Hochschule (Information on the private use of the university’s IT equipment)“ on the Computer Centre home page – under the heading “Organisatorisches (Organisational matters)”.
Wo finde ich Informationen zu Moodle und Webex?

Die digitale Lehre an der Hochschule Esslingen wird im Wesentlichen über die Plattform Moodle und das Konferenztool Webex abgewickelt. Informationen und Anleitungen sowie Angebote zu Schulungen finden Sie im HE-Portal unter:

Wie installiere ich OpenVPN?

Sollten Sie Zugriff auf die Netzlaufwerke und Drucker der Hochschule ben?tigen, müssen Sie zuvor OpenVPN auf Ihrem Endger?t installieren. Eine genaue Anleitung finden Sie im HE-Portal unter:

Further questions

Further information is also available from the FAQs of the Computer Centre or via our Contact Form.

Vacancies for student assistants to work in the Computer Centre

The Computer Centre regularly has vacancies for student assistants! If you would like to work in a friendly team in an IT environment, please get in touch or send an email to:



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Your personal contactContact us

Computer Centre

For general questions, please contact rzinfo.

For support and assistance, please use our contact form.