Today, data is more important than ever for the success of a company. In the Digital Business degree programme, you will learn business know-how combined with the ability to analyse and evaluate data and put it into the right context. This means that you will lay the foundations for well-founded alternative courses of action and entrepreneurial decisions, thereby making a crucial contribution towards the success of the company.
You can expect training in the basics of business administration paired with a focus on digitalisation and data science as well as content from business psychology. The content of the study programme is geared to CRISP-DM (Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining), the common standard for the development of Data Mining processes.
The decision to study Digital Business is the right step towards your professional future. Companies are looking for well-trained experts who can use data strategically as decision-makers at the interface of IT, data analysis, corporate management and business administration. With your knowledge, you will be able to develop data-based business models tomorrow, thereby initiating important changes.
Your career opportunities
With your degree, you will have countless opportunities, because experts in the field of Digital Business Analytics are in demand in many areas:
Register and apply on HEonline The next step is to register on Esslingen’s HEonline Campus Management System and apply for one or more degree programmes. When you have submitted your application on HEonline, you can also see it on hochschulstart and prioritise your choices.
All done! You can check the status of your application at any time via HEonline. You should keep your login details in a safe place. Shortly after the application deadline, you will be able to see whether you have received an admission offer on HEonline and hochschulstart.
More links for application
The video tutorial shows you the most important application steps and the importance of prioritization.
You are interested in business and society in the context of digital change
You enjoy working with numbers and putting data into a logical context
Your strengths include analytical skills that you can translate into creative solutions
You are interested in digital technologies and media
Good Mathematics skills are an advantage
The perfect mix
The Digital Business degree programme is the perfect mix of Business Management, Data Science and a pinch of psychology. After completing your degree, all doors will be open to you!
Prof. Dr. Dorothee Brauner, Programme Coordinator of the Digital Business degree programme
What distinguishes usGood reasons for studying at Esslingen University
Real data projects
From the 4th semester onwards, you will work on practical issues with our cooperation companies.